A group of granny cheerleaders will perform a special show in Tokyo's Nerima Ward on Nov. 19 to raise money for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
A group of granny cheerleaders will perform a special show in Tokyo's Nerima Ward on Nov. 19 to raise money for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.The 28 members of the Japan Pom Pom group, whose average age is 67, don wigs and short-skirted costumes for their age-defying routines.“We are still having such fun at this age, so we want to do something to help people,” said Fumie Takino, the 79-year-old leader of the group which was established in 1996.The group danced to 11 tracks at a dress rehearsal on Nov. 7. The show will be held at the Nerima Bunka Center from 1:30 p.m. Admission is 700 yen ($9.10) and all proceeds will be donated to quake reconstruction.