Th is booklet, “Reconstruction of East Japan devastated by 2011 Disasters – Viewpoints of Rikuzentakata,” has been produced by revising the proceedings of the symposium on “Reconstruction and Invigoration of Disaster-hit Areas – Viewpoints from Rikuzentakata,” which was held with our local partners in Rikuzentakata under this SLER at YNU on 25 March 2013. I reiterate my appreciation to all those who have supported our program, and sincerely hope that this booklet can be useful in considering how
Th is booklet, “Reconstruction of East Japan devastated by 2011 Disasters – Viewpoints of Rikuzentakata,” has been produced by revising the proceedings of the symposium on “Reconstruction and Invigoration of Disaster-hit Areas – Viewpoints from Rikuzentakata,” which was held with our local partners in Rikuzentakata under this SLER at YNU on 25 March 2013. I reiterate my appreciation to all those who have supported our program, and sincerely hope that this booklet can be useful in considering how