Before the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the authors examined the transition of housing location in the damaged areas in Iwate Prefecture due to the 1896 and 1933 Sanriku Tsunamis. Firstly this paper clarifies that the relocation to higher lands after the 1896 Tsunami decreased the damage by the 1933 Tsunami in some districts, and the other areas that failed to relocate experienced severe damage again. Secondly, focusing on seven districts (Taro, Ryoishi, Katagishi, Kojirahama, Hongo, Kerobe
Before the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the authors examined the transition of housing location in the damaged areas in Iwate Prefecture due to the 1896 and 1933 Sanriku Tsunamis. Firstly this paper clarifies that the relocation to higher lands after the 1896 Tsunami decreased the damage by the 1933 Tsunami in some districts, and the other areas that failed to relocate experienced severe damage again. Secondly, focusing on seven districts (Taro, Ryoishi, Katagishi, Kojirahama, Hongo, Kerobe