The authors studied relationships between place and time of evacuation, preparedness before disasters, and evacuation behavior and survival rate for both death/missing people and survivors in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. In order to elucidate the human impacts, thousands of witnesses from Tohoku to Kanto area were analyzed. With a sample data number 1,153, this study‟s results show that earlier evacuation was positively associated with higher survival rate. This study also revealed that
The authors studied relationships between place and time of evacuation, preparedness before disasters, and evacuation behavior and survival rate for both death/missing people and survivors in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. In order to elucidate the human impacts, thousands of witnesses from Tohoku to Kanto area were analyzed. With a sample data number 1,153, this study‟s results show that earlier evacuation was positively associated with higher survival rate. This study also revealed that