In Japan, destructive damage occurred by the offing massive earthquake of the Tohoku district. The Earthquake with Mw9.0 has occurred in 11th March, 2011. Major damages, such as about 20,000 dead or missing people and about 250,000 collapsed buildings, were caused by big tsunami, whose height has been recorded more than 10m high. Main damaged areas are located along the Pacific coast of three prefectures, Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures. We were focusing to the damages of wooden building
In Japan, destructive damage occurred by the offing massive earthquake of the Tohoku district. The Earthquake with Mw9.0 has occurred in 11th March, 2011. Major damages, such as about 20,000 dead or missing people and about 250,000 collapsed buildings, were caused by big tsunami, whose height has been recorded more than 10m high. Main damaged areas are located along the Pacific coast of three prefectures, Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures. We were focusing to the damages of wooden building