3月11日夜福島県立医大に到着した後、南相馬市立病院からの患者搬送を行いました。DMATに対するニーズが少なかっため、翌12日には日赤救護班に転じて新地町に移動し、役場に dERU (domestic Emergency Response Unit:国内型緊急対応ユニット) を立ち上げました。しかし、その日の16:20に福島原発の爆発事故が発生したとの知らせを受け、万一の被ばくを避けるために新地町から撤退しました。その後、更に北に位置する宮城県白石市に移動し、市役所に救護所を設置、13日の昼までそこで救護活動を行いました。
This content is about an excerpt of a report on relief activities conducted by the Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The excerpt is about essays contributed by the first DMAT members dispatched from the hospital on the earthquake day.
Upon arrival at the Fukushima Medical University Hospital at night on March 11, 2011, the DMAT transported patients from Minamisoma City Hospital to the university hospital. Because it was found that DMATs were not so much needed in the field, the hospital's DMAT was transformed to a JRCS relief team and traveled to Shinchi Town on the next day, March 12. The team set up a dERU (domestic Emergency Response Unit) at the municipal office. However, at 16:20 on the day, the team was noticed of the explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. To avoid possible exposure to radiation, they left the town. Then the team traveled to Shiraishi City, Miyagi Prefecture, the further northern part from Shinchi Town and set up a first aid station at the city hall. They provided relief activities there until noon, March 13.