原発事故の影響で、福島原発から20km~30km圏での医療継続が困難になったため患者を県外に搬出することになり、新潟県福祉保健部からの要請でDMATが支援することになりました。新潟県消防学校まで搬送されて来た患者を、同学校に設置したSCU(Staging Care Unit:広域搬送拠点臨時医療施設)でトリアージを行い、県内の受け入れ先の各施設に搬送することが役割です。患者の多くは高齢者で慢性疾患で入院中の患者でした。
This content is about an excerpt of a report on relief activities conducted and the Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The excerpt is about essays contributed by DMAT members of the hospital who engaged in transporting patients from Fukushima Prefecture to other prefecture.
Affected by the nuclear accident in Fukushima, hospitals located within the 20km-30km from the nuclear power plant had difficulties in continuing to provide treatment to their patients. Therefore, it was decided to transfer those patients to other prefectures. At the request of a welfare and public health section of the Niigata Prefectural Government, DMATs of Niigata Prefecture supported the transportation. They were assigned to perform triage, at SCU (Staging Care Unit), of patients who had been transported to a fire academy of Niigata Prefecture and then transport to hospitals within the prefecture. Many of the patients were elderly people with chronic diseases and hospitalized.