This is a report prepared by Aizu Public Health and Welfare Office regarding the disaster assistance activities conducted by the office in Aizu Region from March 2011 to March 2012.
The report describes: the summary of the nuclear accident; when the disaster response headquarters of Fukushima Prefectural Government and local governments of Fukushima Prefecture were set up and dissolved; the public sector's disaster response system in Aizu Region; the disaster assistance system of Aizu Public Health and Welfare Office; what kind of activities the office provided during the Great East Japan Earthquake; the challenges for the future.
In the report, the assistance activities conducted by the Aizu Public Health and Welfare Office are compiled chronologically by each subject: body contamination screening, water and processed food monitoring for radioactive material, medical relief, health management, social welfare, hygiene management, protection of affected pet animals, etc.
The report also includes activities provided by relief teams dispatched from JRCS chapters to evacuation centers in Aizu Region, and comments given by JRCS Fukushima Chapter staff.