1. 救護班出動状況
2. 救護班名簿(非公開)
3. 支部等支援要員(非公開)
4. こころのケア班[帯同型](非公開)
5. ボランティア
6. 救援物資
7. 日本DMATの出動状況
8. こころのケア[ケアチーム型](非公開)
9. 取扱患者数状況
10. 介護チーム(一次、二次)(非公開)
During the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, the JRCS provided its relief activities. In this report, the activities conducted until August 31, 2011 and reported by the JRCS chapters around Japan are compiled. (The report items which include personal information are not published in the Digital Archives.) The items are as follows:
(1) JRCS relief teams mobilized to the affected areas;
(2) List of the relief teams (unpublished);
(3) List of back-up support staff dispatched to affected chapters from nationwide JRCS chapters (unpublished);
(4) List of psychological care teams (who accompanied relief teams) (unpublished);
(5) Volunteers;
(6) Relief supplies;
(7) List of Japan DMATs mobilized to the affected areas from Japanese Red Cross hospitals;
(8) List of psychological care teams (independent care teams) (unpublished);
(9) The number of patients cared by JRCS relief teams;
(10) List of nursing care teams (1st and 2nd rounds) (unpublished).