3月12日8:00に参集地点である筑波メディカルセンターに到着し、その後福島空港に移動しSCU(Staging Care Unit:広域搬送拠点臨時医療施設)を立ちあげました。携帯電話、衛星電話が通じず、日赤無線も利用が制限され、連絡がうまく取れない状況でした。到着時には福島空港にはすでに8チームが展開していました。空港には被災地から脱出する人たちが大勢集まっていて、空港職員からの要請でここに救護所を立ち上げました。
This is part of a report about relief activities conducted by the Japanese Red Cross Otsu Hospital during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. This part is about relief activities by Team Matsubara that started its activities on the outset day as a DMAT.
On 8:00, March 12, 2011, the team arrived at the Tsukuba Medical Center, a meeting point of DMATs. Then, the team traveled to Fukushima Airport and set up an SCU (Staging Care Unit). The lines of mobile phones and satellite phones were disconnected. Use of the Red Cross Radio Communication System was also limited. Communicating was difficult. When the team arrived at the airport, 8 medical teams already started relief activities there. Many people evacuated to the airport from the affected areas and the Team Matsubara set up a first aid station at the request of the airport staff.
On March 14, the next day, because 72 hours passed after the outset of the earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident occurred, the Team Matsubara discontinued its DMAT activities and closed the first aid station.