連盟総会に合わせて、日赤は原子力緊急事態への備えに関するサイドイベントを主催しました。この中では、「わかりやすいプロジェクト」の高校生と大学生によるプレゼンテーションが行われました。そのあと、ベラルーシ赤十字社、日赤、IFRC事務局、OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:国連人道問題調整事務所)の代表者らのパネリストによるプレゼンテーション、参加者を交えたディスカッションが行われました。
In December 2015, the 20th International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies General Assembly (GA) was held in Geneva. During GA, the Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS), in their comment, highly evaluated the efforts by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) for nuclear disaster preparedness.
On the sidelines of the GA, the JRCS hosted a side event on nuclear emergency preparedness. During this side event, high school and college student from "The Simples NAIIC" of Japan made a presentation. After that, some presentations were given by panelists from the Belarus Red Cross, the JRCS, the Secretariat of the IFRC and OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), followed by a plenary discussion by the side event participants.