「青少年赤十字 詩・100文字提案」作品募集は、2006年から実施されている事業です。2011年からは、東日本大震災、福島第一原発事故を体験して「気づいたこと」「考えたこと」「実行したこと、実行しようとしたこと」を詩・100文字に表現した作品を募集し、作品審査会、作品集の作成を行っています。
On the occasion of the Fifth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident ( Fukushima Daiichi accident), the Digital Archives published a special webpage to introduce the recovery assistance programs by the Japanese Red Cross Fukushima Chapter.
The Junior Red Cross (JRC) poem and 100-word essay contest has been held since FY 2006. Since FY 2011, the Fukushima Chapter has invited the students of JRC member schools to send poems and 100-word essays involving their experiences from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and the Fukushima Daiichi accident. The themes are: "What I became aware of"; "What I thought about"; and "What I turned or tried to turn into action" from the experiences. The poems and essays have been reviewed and excellent ones have been included in an anthology.