The Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS) enacted “Nuclear Disaster Guidelines for Preparedness, Response and Recovery” (Guidelines) on March 30, 2015. On the assumption of a wide range of activities, the background of the Guidelines, the purpose, the scope and the considerations while providing activities are described in the Guidelines. The activity phases are divided into three phases: “Preparedness”; “Emergency Response”; and “Recovery”, and the Guidelines describe the JRCS activities to be provided in each phase based on the experience during the Fukushima Daiichi accident. Also, the safety standards are clearly stated in the Guidelines in order to ensure the safety of JRCS staff and Red Cross volunteers who will be responders in the event of a nuclear disaster. The safety standards comprise of assignment of activity areas and radiation dose management of each responder to ensure that the upper limit set in the Guidelines will not be exceeded. Arrangements for advice by radiation emergency medical care advisers are also mentioned.
This is the previous version released in March 2015 and new version was released in March 2016.