甲状腺がんの検診は継続された。103人の患者が甲状腺がんの疑いがあることが確認された。この期間に甲状腺がんが確認された人数は、昨年の同じ期間では81人で、今年はこれを大きく上回っている。甲状腺がん以外では、結節性病変が6,750人(34.6%)で、これも昨年の同時期の結果(4,885人 - 29%)に比べて高い。
In the connection with the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster , the Red Cross undertook efforts for international representation and advocacy in order to show the important role played by CHARP (Chernobyl Humanitarian Assistance and Rehabilitation Programme) programme.
The screenings for thyroid gland cancer continued. In 103 patients, the suspected thyroid cancer cases were confirmed. The number of thyroid cancer cases detected during the reporting period was much higher than the result for the same period of the previous year, which was 81 patients. Besides thyroid cancer, the rate of nodular pathology (6,750 cases – 34.6%) was also higher than during the similar reporting period of 2005, which was 4,885 cases - 29%.
The overall funding situation was satisfactory. Irish government donated EURO 500,000 for three years (May 2006 - May 2009).