2006 was the 20th anniversary of Chernobyl accident. in connection with the anniversary, the Red Cross National Societies organized a number of high level round-table meetings, press conferences and other commemorating events.
In November 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which calls for continuing attention to "Chernobyl" and proclaims the third decade (2006-2016) as a decade of "recovery and sustainable development". The resolution recognizes "the contribution of the Red Cross Societies of most affected countries and the IFRC.
The data collected by the RC MDLs (Mobile Diagnostic Laboratories) showed still a high incidence rate of thyroid illnesses. Therefore CHARP (Chernobyl Humanitarian Assistance and Rehabilitation Programme) would continue on the same conceptual basis, i.e., thyroid screening, psychosocial support, and the distribution of multivitamins to children. Also as the results of the research on what else could be included in the programme’s objectives, breast cancer screening was included in the appeal for 2008-2009.