Kurumi Sugita, created a website of the French citizen group, Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11 in May 2015. For a long time I was uploading posts and articles only in French. About a year ago the blog part became bilingual, French and Japanese. Then in December 2016, with the encouragement of Hervé Courtois, my companion Jon Gomon and I started a new bilingual blog in English and Japanese, hoping to diffuse the information about the victims of the Fukushima nuclear accident to a wider public.
Kurumi Sugita, created a website of the French citizen group, Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11 in May 2015. For a long time I was uploading posts and articles only in French. About a year ago the blog part became bilingual, French and Japanese. Then in December 2016, with the encouragement of Hervé Courtois, my companion Jon Gomon and I started a new bilingual blog in English and Japanese, hoping to diffuse the information about the victims of the Fukushima nuclear accident to a wider public.