Ms. AB (a woman in her 60’s) A.Bさん (60代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
March 2, 2014 After three years passed since the disaster, I just began to be able to have hope. When I learned my son (40’s) had a desire to take over our oyster farming business and open a coffee shop during the summer time, I could have a positive feeling. I had been in the state of mind where I couldn’t feel, see or think about any future. But my son’s words made me change. Before the disaster, we were running a bed and breakfast in our stone warehouse what had been renovated. This was our dream of long years. We were practicing green and blue tourism. Conservation issues and protection of nature were our biggest interest and we had many dreams. We’ve offered various workshops and tours by utilizing mountains, rivers and ocean such as fishing and oyster farming experience, crafting with sea shells and fishing nets, walking through the mountain, etc. We also cooked and served to customers what my husband brought back from the sea and ate and talked with them. My husband’s trade was a fisherman and oyster farming. Tsunami destroyed our bed and breakfast, and my husband lost equipment and machinery for the farming, a fishing boat, everything. We moved to temporary housing. After the disaster, my husband was hospitalized for brain infarction and mother passed away. My husband is working very hard now believing in himself “not to be defeated”. He goes out to the ocean from early morning, fishes with a new boat and started farming oysters again. My son’s desire is making us move forward.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.414927230891, 141.3187021207
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
A.Bさん (60代)
Japanese Description
被災から 3 年経って、やっと希望をまた描けるようになりました。息子(40代)が 牡蠣養殖を継ぎ、夏はカフェを開きたいという計画を持っていることを知り、気持ち が前向きになりました。これまで、将来が描けない、見えない、考えられないという 状態でしたが、この息子の言葉で気持ちが変わりました。 震災前まで、民宿を経営していました。蔵を改築したもので、長い間の夢が実現した ものだったのです。そしてグリーンツーリズムやブルーツーリズムを実践していまし た。環境問題や自然保護は、自分にとっての大きな関心事で、たくさんの夢があった ものです。山、川、海を活用して様々なワークショップやツアーを開催しました。例 えば、魚釣りや牡蠣養殖の体験、貝や網を利用した手芸、山の散策等。夫が採ってき た海の物を料理してお客に出し、一緒に食べながら話しをしました。夫は漁業と牡蠣 養殖に従事。民宿は津波によって破壊され、夫は養殖の道具や機材、船もすべて流失。 仮設住宅に移りました。震災後、夫は脳梗塞で入院。母が他界。夫は、「負けない」 と早朝から海へ出て、新しい船で魚を獲り、牡蠣の養殖を再開。夫は一生懸命働いて います。自分も手伝いますが、少し疲れていて休みたい気持ちもあります。息子の望 みが、自分を前に進ませています。 2014年3月2日
English Title
Ms. AB (a woman in her 60’s)
English Description
March 2, 2014 After three years passed since the disaster, I just began to be able to have hope. When I learned my son (40’s) had a desire to take over our oyster farming business and open a coffee shop during the summer time, I could have a positive feeling. I had been in the state of mind where I couldn’t feel, see or think about any future. But my son’s words made me change. Before the disaster, we were running a bed and breakfast in our stone warehouse what had been renovated. This was our dream of long years. We were practicing green and blue tourism. Conservation issues and protection of nature were our biggest interest and we had many dreams. We’ve offered various workshops and tours by utilizing mountains, rivers and ocean such as fishing and oyster farming experience, crafting with sea shells and fishing nets, walking through the mountain, etc. We also cooked and served to customers what my husband brought back from the sea and ate and talked with them. My husband’s trade was a fisherman and oyster farming. Tsunami destroyed our bed and breakfast, and my husband lost equipment and machinery for the farming, a fishing boat, everything. We moved to temporary housing. After the disaster, my husband was hospitalized for brain infarction and mother passed away. My husband is working very hard now believing in himself “not to be defeated”. He goes out to the ocean from early morning, fishes with a new boat and started farming oysters again. My son’s desire is making us move forward.
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