Ms. B(a woman in her 50’s) B さん(50代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
January 20, 2016 I was at home for a day off on 3.11. On the 4th day after the earthquake, I biked in the water and went to the office. I believe judgement and the instructions by the office supervisor if the employees should stay in the office or to leave the office changed the destiny of the employees. In the middle of the night on 3.11, an employee’s husband came to pick up his wife with a boat. He then asked if there were more people that needed to be picked up. Then the supervisor replied “No, there isn’t”. Other people would have been saved with his boat if the supervisor had said yes. My house was barely affected by the Tsunami. So, the relatives came to stay with us. They ate my spaghettis, eggs and chocolates without asking. I managed to buy those food after being in line for a few hours and they upset me. I start forgetting things as the time goes by. I am just happy that my son is alive. We sometimes have arguments but we are just more fortunate than those who died and lost children. Do you believe in karma? If you do something good, then will good things happen to you? Did those died do anything bad? Did those ladies who lost their children and still going through hardship do anything wrong? I feel guilty that I was fortunate enough to have a day off on 3.11 and happened to be with all of my family members at home. Was I fortunate? What is the fortune? Were those who died unfortunate? Am I more fortunate than those who died and who lost their close people? I just feel so bad to be fortunate then. My child is a high school student and getting ready for the college entrance exams. I just do not know what his future holds and get worried. I sometimes wish if I was dead at that time, and then feel guilty to have such feelings. I sometimes wish another disaster would happen and then I would die. I should have died for others. I have such feeling though I was given a chance to live. Even though those who died wanted to live. I know that it is bad to say I wish I was dead due to the disaster. Did the God choose who should survive? I had never expected such a disaster would happen. What should I do if the next one comes? My mother who experienced Chili earthquake in 1960 says that it is like a legend. My 3.11 experience would be forgotten in the future and would become like a legend later. I hope a part of my memory would become an inspiration. We can always say “I should have done this” but we become wise after the event.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.431370246831, 141.30150041365
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
B さん(50代)
Japanese Description
2016年1月20日 3.11の日は仕事が休みで家にいました。4日目に、ほとんど水没していた職場へ自 転車を水の中をこいでいきました。職場での震災では、一人の責任者(上司)の判断が大 きかったと思います。社員の待機や解散の判断により、命にかかわります。3.11の夜 中に奥さんを職場にボートで迎えに来たある男性が、「他にいませんか」と聞いたら、上司 は「いません」と言ったそうです。他の人達も一緒にボートで避難できたかもしれません。 自分の自宅は、津波がこなくてそれほど被害がなかったので、親戚が避難してきました。 私がスーパーの前に何時間も並んで確保したスパゲティや卵、チョコを断りもなく親戚が 黙って食べて、ムッとしました。 時間と共に薄れる記憶。息子が生きているだけて嬉しい。家族とけんかする日々だけど、 亡くなった人達や子供を失くした人達よりましです。自分がいいことをすればいいことが 返って来るという因果って本当でしょうか?亡くなった人達は、何か悪いことをしたの? 子を失くして今も苦しい女性達は何か悪いことをしたの?私は、たまたま休みで、家族全 員家に一緒にいただけで罪悪感があります。これって運がよかったの?運がいいって何? 亡くなった人は運が悪いの?亡くなった人、親しい人を失くした人より自分はましなので しょうか。しかしそれ自体が申しわけない。受験をひかえた高校生の子供の将来が見えな い今、悩む日々。朝めざめて、死んだ方がましと思う罪悪感があります。また同じ様な大 きな震災がきて同じような大きな災害で自分の命が終わってほしいとも思います。私が身 代わりになればよかったんです。生かされたのに。生きたかった人がいるのに。震災で死 ねばよかったと言うことは罰当たりだけど。神様が選ぶのでしょうか? 震災が起こるとは思ってもみなかった。また来たらどうしよう。母はチリ地震(196 0年)を経験しているのに、もう伝説のようだと言います。私が経験した3.11の記憶 もいつか薄れて伝説になるのかもしれません。片隅の記憶がひらめきになればいいですが。 “あの時こうしておけばよかった”というのは結果論で、すべて結果論で物事が言われる のではないでしょうか。
English Title
Ms. B(a woman in her 50’s)
English Description
January 20, 2016 I was at home for a day off on 3.11. On the 4th day after the earthquake, I biked in the water and went to the office. I believe judgement and the instructions by the office supervisor if the employees should stay in the office or to leave the office changed the destiny of the employees. In the middle of the night on 3.11, an employee’s husband came to pick up his wife with a boat. He then asked if there were more people that needed to be picked up. Then the supervisor replied “No, there isn’t”. Other people would have been saved with his boat if the supervisor had said yes. My house was barely affected by the Tsunami. So, the relatives came to stay with us. They ate my spaghettis, eggs and chocolates without asking. I managed to buy those food after being in line for a few hours and they upset me. I start forgetting things as the time goes by. I am just happy that my son is alive. We sometimes have arguments but we are just more fortunate than those who died and lost children. Do you believe in karma? If you do something good, then will good things happen to you? Did those died do anything bad? Did those ladies who lost their children and still going through hardship do anything wrong? I feel guilty that I was fortunate enough to have a day off on 3.11 and happened to be with all of my family members at home. Was I fortunate? What is the fortune? Were those who died unfortunate? Am I more fortunate than those who died and who lost their close people? I just feel so bad to be fortunate then. My child is a high school student and getting ready for the college entrance exams. I just do not know what his future holds and get worried. I sometimes wish if I was dead at that time, and then feel guilty to have such feelings. I sometimes wish another disaster would happen and then I would die. I should have died for others. I have such feeling though I was given a chance to live. Even though those who died wanted to live. I know that it is bad to say I wish I was dead due to the disaster. Did the God choose who should survive? I had never expected such a disaster would happen. What should I do if the next one comes? My mother who experienced Chili earthquake in 1960 says that it is like a legend. My 3.11 experience would be forgotten in the future and would become like a legend later. I hope a part of my memory would become an inspiration. We can always say “I should have done this” but we become wise after the event.
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