D さん(60代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
February 7, 2016 My husband’s sister had been hospitalized before 3.11. She passed away soon after the earthquake at the hospital. We kept her remains at our house for a week or so after her passing because there was no crematory in operation. It was cold so here remains were ok. Our Tatami floor was wet due to the Tsunami but we used a few layers of dried materials and placed her body on them. I placed a few flowers that our friend gave to us that he was supposed to bring to somewhere else. After the earthquake, we joined our neighbor’s suggestion and escaped to a nearby building. Then we returned to our house on the 6th day. Our first floor was soaked with water but the second floor was ok. We were fortunate to have Futon and little food to survive. Each local community group provided the support supplies such as bread and rice balls. My hair salon was damaged by Tsunami and I could not start the operation for a while. About 2 later, someone came to ask for a haircut. I found a pair of scissors and cut his hair by using a regular chair. We boiled water with the kerosene boiler and gas canister. We also cooked with the reflective stove. We fixed my salon, washed volunteers’ hair and gave them cut until around August. I also provided a space for the volunteers so that they can have lunch with AC. I also shared such as bonito and saury Sashimi, seasoned tuna, ice cream, watermelon with volunteers because about 5 to 10 volunteers helped us with taking Tsunami water out of the place and also tearing off the floor. We are at least fortunate that our family member did not die. When you face a big earthquake, all you must do is escape. When I feel even a slight earthquake, I open a door. I would like to donate to Taiwan earthquake occurred in 2016. Right after 3.11, the things that got soaked and damaged were left on the street and one person managed to pass by. My daughter bought us a refrigerator but the delivery car could not cross the street. Our relative was kind enough to bring us the kerosene. Things kept in the freezer on the 2nd floor were getting defrosted and we could eat them. I feel that we could survive because I was not alone but with my husband. When I look back, I am not impressed with how well we did but how we could do it. As we are getting older, we would like to live our own age. For our daughter’s wedding, we went to Hawaii. We would like to go sometime again. We need to start saving money. I enjoy watching travel TV shows because I feel as if I was traveling with them too. I need to have water drained from my knee every month. I am on my feet all the time as a hairstylist but I don’t move around too much. I do not read novels so much so I am not very good with thinking and talking but I am a good listener to my customers. I know a lot of people who experienced so much damages. When I meet with those who had worse experiences and damages than me, I do not talk about myself but focus on listening. I listen to my son who was working at a gymnasium that was used as a morgue. I also shared my son and his family with food. My daughters who lived in Tokyo could not come to visit us for a while. There is no public transportation. I feel sorry that those elders living in the temporary residence by themselves are find dead by themselves. Those elder people tend to watch TV all day long and do not have a change to get out of the house to socialize. The hospitals are usually crowded because the elder people are talking there. It seems that they are sharing the same experiences and supporting each other. I took the online program to become a hairstylist. I always liked touching hair since I was small. My mother suggested I become a hairstylist. Before my husband and I opened a hair salon, I worked for 2 different salons. We got married by the arrangement marriage and opened our new salon. We would like to continue to work as long as possible as we do not have a retirement age without killing ourselves too much. As we get older, our regular customers are getting older and some even pass away. Most of the recent hair salons take appointments only and so those who come from faraway and living in the temporary house are having hard times. However, our salon is ok to take customers without appointments. So, customers come to our salon by taking a cab and then my husband drives them back home. Then my husband drives both ways from the following time. If the customer wishes to go shopping, he would stop by a supermarket. There are times that our salon gets crowded and then some days no one comes. I wonder if people want to go to a hair salon on certain days. We have been in this business for 43 years. Lately, I am really into crafting to make things with paper and towel.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.423335669247, 141.30279647659
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
D さん(60代)
Japanese Description
2016年2月7日(日) 夫の姉が入院中でしたが、地震の後すぐ病院で亡くなりました。私の自宅に一週間ほど あづかりました。火葬場がないから。寒かったのでご遺体はそのままで大丈夫でした。津 波で畳は濡れていましたが、何枚か乾いたものがあったのでそれを敷いて、その上に寝せ ました。知人がどこかへ持っていく予定だった花を数本いただいて供えました。 地震の後、近所の人に誘われて自分は近くの建物に避難して、六日目に戻りました。1 階は水がきましたが、2階は大丈夫で布団もあったし少し食べものがあったので助かりま した。町内会の各班ごとに支援物資を配布。パンやおにぎり。 自分のやっている床屋は波が来て、しばらく再開できませんでした。二週間後ぐらいに 髪を切ってくださいと言う人がいたので、無事だったハサミを探し出し、普通のイスで切 ってあげました。灯油のボイラー、ボンベのガスで水を沸かしました。反射式ストーブで 煮炊き。店を直し、ボランティアの髪も洗い、切ってあげました。8月ぐらいまで。ボラ ンティアに店内のクーラーのきいた所で昼ごはんを食べてもらうスペースを提供しました。 カツオ、サンマのさしみ、わかめ、シーチキンのあえもの、アイス、スイカ等をごちそう しました。5人から10人ぐらいのボランティアに、店内の津波の水だしと床を剥ぐ作業 を手伝ってもらったから。身内が亡くなっていないから、ましです。大きな地震があった らとにかく逃げること。今でもちょっと揺れるとドアを開けます。台湾地震(2016年) に寄付したい。 3.11後のしばらくの間は水をかぶったり壊れた物がいっぱい捨てられ、道が一人通 れるぐらいでした。娘が冷蔵庫を送ってくれましたが、宅配の車が通れませんでした。親 せきが水や灯油を持ってきてくれたし、二階の冷凍庫の物が、自然解凍して少し食べるこ とができました。一人より二人だったからできたと思い、よくやったなぁと言うより、よ くできたなぁと思います。これからは、年をとってきたから、年相応に生きていきたい。 娘の結婚式でハワイに行ったので、またいつか行きたいです。貯金をしなくちゃね。テレ ビの旅番組を見て、行った気になります。膝に水がたまるので、一か月に一度注射をして もらっています。床屋は立ち仕事だけど、歩数はあまりないんです。お客さんの聞き役か な、できることは。自分はあまり小説を読まないから、あまり考えたり話したりするのが 苦手。自分よりひどい被害の人がいっぱいいます。自分よりひどい被害の人には、自分の 話をしないで聞くだけ。遺体安置所になった体育館に勤務していた息子の悩みも聞きます。 息子家族には、食べ物を、分けてあげました。東京の娘たちは来たくてもしばらく来れな かったです。交通手段もないから。一人暮らしの復興住宅の高齢者が孤独死しているのが 気になります。高齢者はテレビばかり見ていたり、集まる場所も少ないです。病院にいっ て高齢者ばかりで話していて、病院が混んでいますね。同じ境遇で慰めあっているようで す。 自分は通信制で床屋になりました。子供のころから髪を触るのが好きで、母が理容師を すすめたのです。夫と二人で自分の店を持つまで、2か所の店に勤務しました。お見合い で結婚して自分の店を持ったんです。無理せず、定年のない職なので、できるまで続けた い。常連の客も年を重ね、自分も年をとって、古い客は老いて亡くなっています。最近予 約制の床屋が多くなって、遠方から来た仮設の人が予約がなくて困っていますが、この店 は予約制じゃないのでタクシーが連れて来てくれるんです。帰りは夫が送っていきます。 そんなお客様は、次回からは夫が送り迎え。床屋の帰りの途中、お客が買い物をしたいと 言えばスーパーに寄ってあげる夫。この床屋は混むときは混むけど、誰も来ない日もある んです。床屋に行きたい気分ってみんな同じなのかしら。43年も床屋をやっています。 私は紙やタオルで小物を作る手仕事が好きで夢中になっています。
English Description
February 7, 2016 My husband’s sister had been hospitalized before 3.11. She passed away soon after the earthquake at the hospital. We kept her remains at our house for a week or so after her passing because there was no crematory in operation. It was cold so here remains were ok. Our Tatami floor was wet due to the Tsunami but we used a few layers of dried materials and placed her body on them. I placed a few flowers that our friend gave to us that he was supposed to bring to somewhere else. After the earthquake, we joined our neighbor’s suggestion and escaped to a nearby building. Then we returned to our house on the 6th day. Our first floor was soaked with water but the second floor was ok. We were fortunate to have Futon and little food to survive. Each local community group provided the support supplies such as bread and rice balls. My hair salon was damaged by Tsunami and I could not start the operation for a while. About 2 later, someone came to ask for a haircut. I found a pair of scissors and cut his hair by using a regular chair. We boiled water with the kerosene boiler and gas canister. We also cooked with the reflective stove. We fixed my salon, washed volunteers’ hair and gave them cut until around August. I also provided a space for the volunteers so that they can have lunch with AC. I also shared such as bonito and saury Sashimi, seasoned tuna, ice cream, watermelon with volunteers because about 5 to 10 volunteers helped us with taking Tsunami water out of the place and also tearing off the floor. We are at least fortunate that our family member did not die. When you face a big earthquake, all you must do is escape. When I feel even a slight earthquake, I open a door. I would like to donate to Taiwan earthquake occurred in 2016. Right after 3.11, the things that got soaked and damaged were left on the street and one person managed to pass by. My daughter bought us a refrigerator but the delivery car could not cross the street. Our relative was kind enough to bring us the kerosene. Things kept in the freezer on the 2nd floor were getting defrosted and we could eat them. I feel that we could survive because I was not alone but with my husband. When I look back, I am not impressed with how well we did but how we could do it. As we are getting older, we would like to live our own age. For our daughter’s wedding, we went to Hawaii. We would like to go sometime again. We need to start saving money. I enjoy watching travel TV shows because I feel as if I was traveling with them too. I need to have water drained from my knee every month. I am on my feet all the time as a hairstylist but I don’t move around too much. I do not read novels so much so I am not very good with thinking and talking but I am a good listener to my customers. I know a lot of people who experienced so much damages. When I meet with those who had worse experiences and damages than me, I do not talk about myself but focus on listening. I listen to my son who was working at a gymnasium that was used as a morgue. I also shared my son and his family with food. My daughters who lived in Tokyo could not come to visit us for a while. There is no public transportation. I feel sorry that those elders living in the temporary residence by themselves are find dead by themselves. Those elder people tend to watch TV all day long and do not have a change to get out of the house to socialize. The hospitals are usually crowded because the elder people are talking there. It seems that they are sharing the same experiences and supporting each other. I took the online program to become a hairstylist. I always liked touching hair since I was small. My mother suggested I become a hairstylist. Before my husband and I opened a hair salon, I worked for 2 different salons. We got married by the arrangement marriage and opened our new salon. We would like to continue to work as long as possible as we do not have a retirement age without killing ourselves too much. As we get older, our regular customers are getting older and some even pass away. Most of the recent hair salons take appointments only and so those who come from faraway and living in the temporary house are having hard times. However, our salon is ok to take customers without appointments. So, customers come to our salon by taking a cab and then my husband drives them back home. Then my husband drives both ways from the following time. If the customer wishes to go shopping, he would stop by a supermarket. There are times that our salon gets crowded and then some days no one comes. I wonder if people want to go to a hair salon on certain days. We have been in this business for 43 years. Lately, I am really into crafting to make things with paper and towel.
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