Item Description
February 21, 2016
I was working as a nurse at the office of the pediatrics on 3.11. I was at the corridor with a medical record in hand. I saw that the huge earthquake threw the things out at a little shop. I found myself screaming “Please stop it!”. I saw a father and a child under an examination table. I had never expected Tsunami would reach where we were. I was not ready at all. A colleague who went to pick up her child let me know that something terrible is happening We evacuated the hospitalized patients to the 3rd floor. We saw the wave coming and took the cars away. We could not use the electricity but could turn on a radio. Our home power generator was destroyed. The self-defense force came to help us out. I remember that a nearby railroad crossing was left out ringing for a long time. I spent a night just with a blanket. The injured person was carried in one after another. However, all we could do was just disinfecting them.
We provided the blankets and hospital gowns to those covered with the mud. We survived with the food found at the stand. It was cold. I went home next day, but the water was still there. I also saw a fire. I followed a person walking in the water with a cane to check whether it was safe to walk or not. The acquaintance made me rice balls. I was soaked with water up to my waist and went home. I went to pick up my mother who was evacuated at a nearby high school. Then we started living with 2 other girls, my daughter and other families. We found food in the refrigerator and ate vegetables without washing them. We cooked everything with only one pot and we boiled water with the solar photovoltaic generation. Our grandchild was only 1 month old and we needed water and also hot-water bag to keep the baby warm. Even in a same town, the damage was totally different depending on the location. Someone let us use a bathroom to take a bath. I experienced when our heart was totally opened at an emergency. We talked about things that we usually do not talk about.
Some people shared gas and potatoes with us. We returned to work 1 month after the disaster. My hospital came to come to pick me up by car or I took bus. The medical records were all wet in the water. We should have printed out the record in addition to the information saved in the computer and then maintained upstairs. The
patients should have extra prescribed medicines in case they cannot renew the regular prescriptions. I learned that the family is the most important thing and that I want to protect them. You never know what would happen post-earthquake. So, you should just escape. I sometimes think how the people connect with others. I have been busy with taking care of my own family first though.
At night, we lighted candles and seemed a little like having a feast. We laughed though we were in a tough situation. We helped each other by getting and carrying clean water in a bucket. We tried changing the mind stage and remember something fun. I had an experience our hearts were opened in the middle of the emergency and we talked about something that we usually do not discuss. A month later, I returned to work. I commuted with a bus and with a car that the hospital provided. The medical records maintained in the basement were under the water and messy. We should have kept a copy of the printed medical record and saved upstairs and not just in a computer. We should have also kept extra medicines for those who need medications regularly such as the diabetic patients.
I really felt that my family is the most important thing and that I needed to protect them. What we have to keep in mind is that you just have to evacuate first as you never know what would happen after the earthquake. I sometimes think about the people connection though I am busy every day. All I can to is supporting my own family. These days, I wish if people could consider home-care option for those in need and not just leaving them in a hospital. I feel that the doctors treat the patients based on the age of the doctor himself. Older doctors treat the elderly patients in a way and younger doctors treat the younger patients’ feelings, but the young doctor sees the patient by the standard of his own life. The doctor does not allow the nurse to sit in the appointment with patients. Only the person who handles the paperwork of the computer and the doctor examine the patient. Isn't it important for nurses to hear the patients in person so the nurses can understand the patients’ conditions?
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.420491362782, 141.30780823396
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
E さん(60代)
Japanese Description
対応できません。子供を迎えに行った同僚が、「大変なことになっている」と教えてくれま した。3階へ入院患者を上げました。波が見え、車が流されるのを見ました。 電気が使えず、ラジオをつけました。自家発電機が壊れました。いろいろ自衛隊に助け
た。泥だらけの人たちに、毛布と病衣を着せ、売店の食べ物でしのぎました。寒かったで す。 次の日自宅へ向かいましたが、水が抜けていませんでした。火事も見ました。水の中を
赤ん坊だったので水が必要で、湯たんぽも必要でした。同じ町でも、地域で天と地の差が あり、大丈夫だった家の人に風呂に入れてもらいました。 でも、ロウソクを灯して、夜はちょっとした宴会のようで、苦しいときは笑うんですね。
楽しいことを思い出すようにしました。非常時に心が開かれる経験もしました。普段は話 さないようなことを話したり。 ガソリンやじゃがいもを分けてもらいました。一か月後職場へ復帰しました。病院が車
だけでなく紙でも作って高い階にあげておけばよかったです。薬が切れてしまうおそれ(糖 尿病など)がありますから、余分に薬があったほうがいいですね。 自分の家族が一番大事で、守りたいたいと思いました。地震の後は、何が起こるか予測
がつかないからとにかく逃げること。せわしい毎日の今、人とのつながりと出会いについ て考えます。家族を支えるので精いっぱいですが。 病気の人を病院にまかせっぱなしにせず、在宅ケアも選択肢に入れてほしいと願うこの
患者の話を聞くことも大切じゃないの?患者の症状は、紙で伝えきれるものじゃないんだ から。
English Description
February 21, 2016
I was working as a nurse at the office of the pediatrics on 3.11. I was at the corridor with a medical record in hand. I saw that the huge earthquake threw the things out at a little shop. I found myself screaming “Please stop it!”. I saw a father and a child under an examination table. I had never expected Tsunami would reach where we were. I was not ready at all. A colleague who went to pick up her child let me know that something terrible is happening We evacuated the hospitalized patients to the 3rd floor. We saw the wave coming and took the cars away. We could not use the electricity but could turn on a radio. Our home power generator was destroyed. The self-defense force came to help us out. I remember that a nearby railroad crossing was left out ringing for a long time. I spent a night just with a blanket. The injured person was carried in one after another. However, all we could do was just disinfecting them.
We provided the blankets and hospital gowns to those covered with the mud. We survived with the food found at the stand. It was cold. I went home next day, but the water was still there. I also saw a fire. I followed a person walking in the water with a cane to check whether it was safe to walk or not. The acquaintance made me rice balls. I was soaked with water up to my waist and went home. I went to pick up my mother who was evacuated at a nearby high school. Then we started living with 2 other girls, my daughter and other families. We found food in the refrigerator and ate vegetables without washing them. We cooked everything with only one pot and we boiled water with the solar photovoltaic generation. Our grandchild was only 1 month old and we needed water and also hot-water bag to keep the baby warm. Even in a same town, the damage was totally different depending on the location. Someone let us use a bathroom to take a bath. I experienced when our heart was totally opened at an emergency. We talked about things that we usually do not talk about.
Some people shared gas and potatoes with us. We returned to work 1 month after the disaster. My hospital came to come to pick me up by car or I took bus. The medical records were all wet in the water. We should have printed out the record in addition to the information saved in the computer and then maintained upstairs. The
patients should have extra prescribed medicines in case they cannot renew the regular prescriptions. I learned that the family is the most important thing and that I want to protect them. You never know what would happen post-earthquake. So, you should just escape. I sometimes think how the people connect with others. I have been busy with taking care of my own family first though.
At night, we lighted candles and seemed a little like having a feast. We laughed though we were in a tough situation. We helped each other by getting and carrying clean water in a bucket. We tried changing the mind stage and remember something fun. I had an experience our hearts were opened in the middle of the emergency and we talked about something that we usually do not discuss. A month later, I returned to work. I commuted with a bus and with a car that the hospital provided. The medical records maintained in the basement were under the water and messy. We should have kept a copy of the printed medical record and saved upstairs and not just in a computer. We should have also kept extra medicines for those who need medications regularly such as the diabetic patients.
I really felt that my family is the most important thing and that I needed to protect them. What we have to keep in mind is that you just have to evacuate first as you never know what would happen after the earthquake. I sometimes think about the people connection though I am busy every day. All I can to is supporting my own family. These days, I wish if people could consider home-care option for those in need and not just leaving them in a hospital. I feel that the doctors treat the patients based on the age of the doctor himself. Older doctors treat the elderly patients in a way and younger doctors treat the younger patients’ feelings, but the young doctor sees the patient by the standard of his own life. The doctor does not allow the nurse to sit in the appointment with patients. Only the person who handles the paperwork of the computer and the doctor examine the patient. Isn't it important for nurses to hear the patients in person so the nurses can understand the patients’ conditions?
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