Item Description
February 28, 2016
G: Born and raised in Ayukawa on the Oshika Peninsula. We all know each other. You don’t need to act cool at all. On that day, I heard a loud siren alarming us that "6-meter Tsunami is coming". So, I took three mortuaries, closed the window of heavy sash, locked the door and left. I could see a wave like a black steam. I had never thought that my home would be gone. In our town, we lost five couples. One was someone who was in bed for a long time, one was waiting for her husband who had left to check on his ship on the road, one went to get his wife who could not move after the disaster, some were sheltered in the 2nd floor, 4 people working for a postal office lost their lives too. I had only the image of Tsunami running through a river. I managed to survive with the water from the natural water from the natural river. I saw cars pushing away in the river. I found my house getting crushed by a stranger’s car. Only the hallway remained like a stage. There was also a storage with storing bunch of worthless. In the night of 3.11, I stayed over a night in a tent. Then I started living in a shelter run by the office. I found people I knew and we shared the blankets, rolled posters and crowded the cold. There was a man on the side and I was a little hesitant to fall asleep. We should consider women’s needs. I got the necessary food and the thing from the households that survived the disaster. We also ate the hard meat and eggs that we
received from the egg farm. The fireman managed our toilet treatment. I felt bad to eat all the food that I received from my relatives and I also felt hesitant to use all the underwear that I had received.
On the 49th day, I left the window open to let the spirits fly away. I lived in Ishinomaki for 3 years when I was in high school. After I graduated from the junior high school, my mother told me that I did not need to go to high school. However, my relatives persuaded my mother saying that the education was very important. I lived in a dormitory and enjoyed my life. They made rice balls for us and we took a day trip to a beach in Hibari. Everyone was so kind. My town is a fishing town and young people usually leave. After the disaster, my son came to pick me up but everyone kept me to stay. In January, 2011, before the disaster, I fell asleep while driving and fell from the cliff. My car was totally destroyed. My husband had died while ago as he fell in the ocean. I have become a widow at the age of 69. I had been taking care of my mother who had been suffering from a dementia. I am the only child so I loved talking with people and I think I am pretty friendly. My father was a fisherman and kind. My Mother was strict and hard on me as I was not smooth. The people from my town were very kind and nice. We were always talking about what we should do if we win a lottery, talked on the phone doing a fraud, insurance agent. I have been busy as there is nothing worse than losing your own house. I have been doing work out with weights, making Japanese poems, Karaoke and more. I have also been attending the events that the temporary shelter if offering.
I have been living with my daughter and have arguments here and there. I cannot hold back myself. In March, 2016, my new house was built and I am living by myself. I am enjoying working with dirt, growing plants. I feel it is important to feel the kindness.
H: If you have life, you will be ok. More than 50 people lost their lives at a nearby supermarket. You would never expect a Tsunami would come. After a big quake, I went to pick up my grandchild who was attending a kindergarten in the elevated place. It was snowing so I did not wish to drive. Someone told me that I should not drive back to downstairs. So, I followed the advice and stayed at the kindergarten. We were lucky to listen to the advice. We could not understand the siren very well. I was wondering “What? Where? What’s going on?”. Those kids whose parents
could not come to pick them up were staying at a different room.
The only thing that I could find in my house was Good. On April 18, when the cherry blossoms were blooming, I went to visit my hometown and started living with my siblings after 40 years. As we did not bump to each other too much, I rented a house nearby. I really felt how lucky to have a hometown. My relatives helped me so much. I had never expected that my family would be helping us like this. Now, I feel it is important for me to find the slightest happiness, appreciate myself and don’t’ think too much. There are so many things that I need to do now. When we built a new house, I told my son and his family that I did not want to have a new house in the same place the Tsunami attacked us. However, my husband insisted that he would build the new house at the same place. Though we had experienced 3.11, I am so glad that I am still alive. I do not wish to be called a disaster victim. It makes me feel miserable. I am happy. I do not need to compare with others. It makes me feel better to move around. I hear others talking and I live with others. “Enough is as good as a feast”. You don’t need to look up too much. Women are strong. I have been busy with taking 3rd grade grandchild to school and preparing meals for 6 people. We have a separate kitchen for different households. I am kind of glad that 3.11 was in March toward spring. We were living with longer sun. We were eating the fish from the freezer, washed the rice with the spring water, hid the food with a backpack and ate them with my grandchild. I was worried that the rainwater may have radioactivity.
I am the youngest out of the 4 siblings. Since I was little, I would not defy others. This is my way of living smart. Life is good at 60 points. I feel things the going as I like.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.424272663579, 141.30080830307
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
G さん(70代)と H さん(60代)二人一緒に
Japanese Description
G さん: 生まれも育ちも牡鹿半島の鮎川。お互いみんな知っている地域です。カッコつけ てもしょうがない所。あの日は、消防の大きいサイレン、「6mの津波がくる」とはっきり
聞こえました。位牌3人分を持って、玄関の鍵を閉め、重たいサッシの窓も閉めて逃げま した。 黒い湯煙のような波が見えて、まさか自宅が無くなるなんて思いませんでした。この町
では、5組の夫婦が亡くなりました 寝たきりだったり、船を見にいった夫を待って道路
を消防署員が処理してくれました。親戚が持ってきた食べ物を自分だけ食べれないし、下 着もいただきましたが、自分だけもらうのは気がひけました。 四十九日。霊が出ていくように窓を開けておきました。 高校の3年間だけ石巻市内に住みました。中学を卒業した私を、高校に入れないと母は言
子が迎えにきたけど、みんなが私を引き止めました。震災前の2011年1月、私は居眠 り運転で、山際の崖に落ちて、桜の苗木に引っかかって助かりました。廃車。 夫はすっと前に海に転落して死亡し、69歳で未亡人になり、認知症の母を抱えていま した。 一人っ子だから、人と話すのが好きで、性格が明るいと思います。船乗りの父は優しか
の。家が流されて、これ以上悪いことはなくて、これ以下はないから、毎日を忙しく過ご しています。ダンベル、川柳、カラオケ、ラジオ体操。仮設住宅での催し物に出ています。 今は娘と同居です。けんかもします。私は、あとづさりできない性格なのね。2016
年3月に新居ができ、一人暮らしへ。土に触れる草花のある暮らしが楽しみ。優しさを感 じる心が大切ではないでしょうか。
H さん:命があれば何とかなります。近くのスーパーで50人以上も亡くなりました。津 波がくるとは思わないものね。大きな揺れの後、すぐに高台にある幼稚園に、孫を迎えに
聞き取れず、 「何を言ってるの?どこへ?どんなこと?」って思いました。親が迎えに来れ ない子供たちは別の部屋にいました。 すべて流された自宅跡には、氏神だけが残っていました。桜が咲く4月18日に、内陸
たくさん。家を新築する時、息子夫婦は津波がきた同じ場所は嫌だと言いましたが、夫は 頑固に同じ場所に立て直すといいました。 3.11があったけれど、結果的に命が助かったのだからよかったです。被災者と呼ば
冷凍庫の魚を食べたり、澤水で米を洗ったり。差し入れのリュックの食べ物をかくれて孫 と、そっと食べました。雨水には放射能があるかもしれないと心配しました。 私は4人兄弟の末っ子。小さいころから、他人に逆らわない、反抗しない。私のかしこ
い生き方上手は、これ。人生は60点でいい。自分の好きなように辺りは回っている気が します。
English Title
Ms. G(a woman in her 70’s)and Ms. H(a woman in her 60’s)Together
English Description
February 28, 2016
G: Born and raised in Ayukawa on the Oshika Peninsula. We all know each other. You don’t need to act cool at all. On that day, I heard a loud siren alarming us that "6-meter Tsunami is coming". So, I took three mortuaries, closed the window of heavy sash, locked the door and left. I could see a wave like a black steam. I had never thought that my home would be gone. In our town, we lost five couples. One was someone who was in bed for a long time, one was waiting for her husband who had left to check on his ship on the road, one went to get his wife who could not move after the disaster, some were sheltered in the 2nd floor, 4 people working for a postal office lost their lives too. I had only the image of Tsunami running through a river. I managed to survive with the water from the natural water from the natural river. I saw cars pushing away in the river. I found my house getting crushed by a stranger’s car. Only the hallway remained like a stage. There was also a storage with storing bunch of worthless. In the night of 3.11, I stayed over a night in a tent. Then I started living in a shelter run by the office. I found people I knew and we shared the blankets, rolled posters and crowded the cold. There was a man on the side and I was a little hesitant to fall asleep. We should consider women’s needs. I got the necessary food and the thing from the households that survived the disaster. We also ate the hard meat and eggs that we
received from the egg farm. The fireman managed our toilet treatment. I felt bad to eat all the food that I received from my relatives and I also felt hesitant to use all the underwear that I had received.
On the 49th day, I left the window open to let the spirits fly away. I lived in Ishinomaki for 3 years when I was in high school. After I graduated from the junior high school, my mother told me that I did not need to go to high school. However, my relatives persuaded my mother saying that the education was very important. I lived in a dormitory and enjoyed my life. They made rice balls for us and we took a day trip to a beach in Hibari. Everyone was so kind. My town is a fishing town and young people usually leave. After the disaster, my son came to pick me up but everyone kept me to stay. In January, 2011, before the disaster, I fell asleep while driving and fell from the cliff. My car was totally destroyed. My husband had died while ago as he fell in the ocean. I have become a widow at the age of 69. I had been taking care of my mother who had been suffering from a dementia. I am the only child so I loved talking with people and I think I am pretty friendly. My father was a fisherman and kind. My Mother was strict and hard on me as I was not smooth. The people from my town were very kind and nice. We were always talking about what we should do if we win a lottery, talked on the phone doing a fraud, insurance agent. I have been busy as there is nothing worse than losing your own house. I have been doing work out with weights, making Japanese poems, Karaoke and more. I have also been attending the events that the temporary shelter if offering.
I have been living with my daughter and have arguments here and there. I cannot hold back myself. In March, 2016, my new house was built and I am living by myself. I am enjoying working with dirt, growing plants. I feel it is important to feel the kindness.
H: If you have life, you will be ok. More than 50 people lost their lives at a nearby supermarket. You would never expect a Tsunami would come. After a big quake, I went to pick up my grandchild who was attending a kindergarten in the elevated place. It was snowing so I did not wish to drive. Someone told me that I should not drive back to downstairs. So, I followed the advice and stayed at the kindergarten. We were lucky to listen to the advice. We could not understand the siren very well. I was wondering “What? Where? What’s going on?”. Those kids whose parents
could not come to pick them up were staying at a different room.
The only thing that I could find in my house was Good. On April 18, when the cherry blossoms were blooming, I went to visit my hometown and started living with my siblings after 40 years. As we did not bump to each other too much, I rented a house nearby. I really felt how lucky to have a hometown. My relatives helped me so much. I had never expected that my family would be helping us like this. Now, I feel it is important for me to find the slightest happiness, appreciate myself and don’t’ think too much. There are so many things that I need to do now. When we built a new house, I told my son and his family that I did not want to have a new house in the same place the Tsunami attacked us. However, my husband insisted that he would build the new house at the same place. Though we had experienced 3.11, I am so glad that I am still alive. I do not wish to be called a disaster victim. It makes me feel miserable. I am happy. I do not need to compare with others. It makes me feel better to move around. I hear others talking and I live with others. “Enough is as good as a feast”. You don’t need to look up too much. Women are strong. I have been busy with taking 3rd grade grandchild to school and preparing meals for 6 people. We have a separate kitchen for different households. I am kind of glad that 3.11 was in March toward spring. We were living with longer sun. We were eating the fish from the freezer, washed the rice with the spring water, hid the food with a backpack and ate them with my grandchild. I was worried that the rainwater may have radioactivity.
I am the youngest out of the 4 siblings. Since I was little, I would not defy others. This is my way of living smart. Life is good at 60 points. I feel things the going as I like.
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