Item Description
May 2, 2016
We reopened our confectionery shop from May 8, 2011. I was happy because my house was saved, and we had futon to sleep with. On March 11, my brother-in-law was clinging on to a utility pole at the time of the tsunami but later died of hypothermia having tried to swim. My husband looked for him every day in mortuaries. He was found in a space under the eaves and identified by his jacket on April 19. On March11, I was in the hospital in Sendai due to a compound fracture. My brother-in-law called me that morning and said “I am sorry I couldn’t go join you guys for the 49th day of Buddhist memorial service. I missed it.” That was his last word I heard. It was good that we could send him off properly. Due to my hospitalization, I was happy that my life was spared. I must have been saved.
I was discharged from the hospital on April 23. My source of energy is talking with customers, laughing and talking. I think it’s no good to be alone or stay inside. I was made to live. It’s better to cry and unleash my thoughts. I told my acquaintance who had been enduring the situation to cry instead. I am happy and don’t worry over small stuff by nature. When I was young, I had nights that I couldn’t sleep from worries. I came to think that I shouldn’t worry because there was nothing I could do, but I could worry next day. I worry but bounce back and change my gear. Because I repeatedly
went in and out of the hospital, I can talk about many stories about sickness. Women who survived are strong.
I felt bad for other shops around that I reopened early. I could start early because the water didn’t come into the shop. My acquaintances said “I’m happy you reopened” when I first reopened the store. But I think they were feeling jealous inside.
I opened a barber shop at the age of 23 to obtain skills and earn my own income. My mother advised me to get skills so that I could raise children even if I became a widow. Married at the age of 26. Had the first child at the age of 27. When I had the second child at the age of 29, my husband's parents opened a confectionery shop. I eventually had four children. My husband 's friends bought confectionaries and I thought having friends was important. They also bought Christmas cakes to help us. My father died of tuberculosis in Manchuria at the age of 36, and my mother became a widow at the age of 32. I was one and a half years old at that time. My mother raised four children by herself. I was the youngest. My mother was the eldest daughter of nine siblings, very moody and had clear representation of emotions. She earned living selling yakisoba noodles and cleaning cloth used for tea ceremony. She never remarried. I grew up thinking not to cause any trouble for my mother.
When I was 22 years old, I worked at a kimono store for half a year. My supervisor was always grumpy and never smiled. He said to me "You are always smiling, fool!", and I returned “What is your problem? You are always grumpy”. So, we quarreled but became close friends afterward for a long time.
There was a time when we were asked to be a matchmaker at the wedding. As I was fat at that time and would not be able to serve alcohol to the guests once I dressed in Kimono, I decided to go on a diet and lost a lot of weight from 70 kg by the time of the wedding in November. I walked ten thousand steps and commuted to my part-time cleaning work by bicycle (2 hours) every day.
When my husband fell ill at the age of 50, I thought of closing the confectionery store and re-start a barber shop and a shop for shaving women’s faces by also offering makeup and massage. The confectionery store had debts after we opened with the savings that we saved diligently. A large chain store and a cake shop opened in the vicinity and our sales were declining.
At the time of the disaster, we offered 700 cakes to people. For difficult customers, you can become friends by giving extra service to them. I’d like to make people laugh ever since I was a child. It’s easy to dislike people, but maintaining that feeling is difficult. So, it’s better not dislike people to begin with. I want my husband to enjoy the rest of his life that has something other than work. We have never gone out together. I want to draw a picture with colored pencils. I can die any time, I'm not afraid as I was made to live. If you humbly pretend not to know something, everyone will kindly teach you. If you pretend as if you know everything, people will not teach you. I don’t bad mouth my husband’s brothers or relatives. It will only make my husband agonize.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.419900430323, 141.29685454114
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
M さん(70代)
Japanese Description
の弟が朝に電話をくれて四十九日の法事に行けなくてごめんね、さみしかったというのが 最後。きちんと送れてよかった。入院中で、生かされたから幸せ、助けられたのね。 私は4月23日に退院。元気のもとはお客様と話すこと。笑って話すこと。1人でいた
になりました。くよくよするけど、跳ね返して気持を切り替えるの。入退院を繰り返した ので、病気の体験談をたくさん言えますよ。命あって生き残った女性達は強いね。 早く店を再開して、周りに悪いなぁと思いました。周りがまだ再開していないから。店
に水が入らなかったので早く再開できました。再開した私に、知人は最初は「よかった」 と言ってくれたけど、でも内心嫉妬しているでしょう。 私は23歳で床屋を開きました。手に職をつけて自分の収入を得るためです。未亡人に
怒哀楽がはっきりしていました。母は、焼きそば屋や茶巾屋で生計をたてました。母は再 婚もしませんでした。私は母を困らせたくないと思っていました。 私は22歳の時、呉服屋で半年働いていましたが、上司はいつもぶすぶす笑わない人で
した。その人に、「いつもにやにやしてバカ!」と言われたので、「何が面白くないの?ぶ すぶすして!」とけんかになりましたが、ずっとその後、親友になったんです。 仲人を頼まれた時があって、太っていたので着物を着ると、お酒を客に注げないので、
ダイエットを決心して、70キロから11月の結婚式までかなりやせたことがあります。 一万歩を歩き、掃除のバイト(一日2時間)のために自転車で通勤しました。 50歳で夫が倒れたとき、菓子屋をやめて、女性向けの顔そりのお店と床屋を再開しよ
うかと思いました。化粧やマッサージもして。こつこつためて開いた、この菓子屋は借金。 大型チェーンや付近にケー屋ができて売り上げが下がりました。 震災時、700個のケーキを皆さんに差し上げました。難しい客には、サービスすると
に何も知らないふりをしてると、みんなが教えてくれます。知ってるふりをすると教えて くれません。夫の兄弟、親戚の悪口はいわない。夫が苦しくなるから。
English Title
Ms. M (a woman in her 70’s)
English Description
May 2, 2016
We reopened our confectionery shop from May 8, 2011. I was happy because my house was saved, and we had futon to sleep with. On March 11, my brother-in-law was clinging on to a utility pole at the time of the tsunami but later died of hypothermia having tried to swim. My husband looked for him every day in mortuaries. He was found in a space under the eaves and identified by his jacket on April 19. On March11, I was in the hospital in Sendai due to a compound fracture. My brother-in-law called me that morning and said “I am sorry I couldn’t go join you guys for the 49th day of Buddhist memorial service. I missed it.” That was his last word I heard. It was good that we could send him off properly. Due to my hospitalization, I was happy that my life was spared. I must have been saved.
I was discharged from the hospital on April 23. My source of energy is talking with customers, laughing and talking. I think it’s no good to be alone or stay inside. I was made to live. It’s better to cry and unleash my thoughts. I told my acquaintance who had been enduring the situation to cry instead. I am happy and don’t worry over small stuff by nature. When I was young, I had nights that I couldn’t sleep from worries. I came to think that I shouldn’t worry because there was nothing I could do, but I could worry next day. I worry but bounce back and change my gear. Because I repeatedly
went in and out of the hospital, I can talk about many stories about sickness. Women who survived are strong.
I felt bad for other shops around that I reopened early. I could start early because the water didn’t come into the shop. My acquaintances said “I’m happy you reopened” when I first reopened the store. But I think they were feeling jealous inside.
I opened a barber shop at the age of 23 to obtain skills and earn my own income. My mother advised me to get skills so that I could raise children even if I became a widow. Married at the age of 26. Had the first child at the age of 27. When I had the second child at the age of 29, my husband's parents opened a confectionery shop. I eventually had four children. My husband 's friends bought confectionaries and I thought having friends was important. They also bought Christmas cakes to help us. My father died of tuberculosis in Manchuria at the age of 36, and my mother became a widow at the age of 32. I was one and a half years old at that time. My mother raised four children by herself. I was the youngest. My mother was the eldest daughter of nine siblings, very moody and had clear representation of emotions. She earned living selling yakisoba noodles and cleaning cloth used for tea ceremony. She never remarried. I grew up thinking not to cause any trouble for my mother.
When I was 22 years old, I worked at a kimono store for half a year. My supervisor was always grumpy and never smiled. He said to me "You are always smiling, fool!", and I returned “What is your problem? You are always grumpy”. So, we quarreled but became close friends afterward for a long time.
There was a time when we were asked to be a matchmaker at the wedding. As I was fat at that time and would not be able to serve alcohol to the guests once I dressed in Kimono, I decided to go on a diet and lost a lot of weight from 70 kg by the time of the wedding in November. I walked ten thousand steps and commuted to my part-time cleaning work by bicycle (2 hours) every day.
When my husband fell ill at the age of 50, I thought of closing the confectionery store and re-start a barber shop and a shop for shaving women’s faces by also offering makeup and massage. The confectionery store had debts after we opened with the savings that we saved diligently. A large chain store and a cake shop opened in the vicinity and our sales were declining.
At the time of the disaster, we offered 700 cakes to people. For difficult customers, you can become friends by giving extra service to them. I’d like to make people laugh ever since I was a child. It’s easy to dislike people, but maintaining that feeling is difficult. So, it’s better not dislike people to begin with. I want my husband to enjoy the rest of his life that has something other than work. We have never gone out together. I want to draw a picture with colored pencils. I can die any time, I'm not afraid as I was made to live. If you humbly pretend not to know something, everyone will kindly teach you. If you pretend as if you know everything, people will not teach you. I don’t bad mouth my husband’s brothers or relatives. It will only make my husband agonize.
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