Item Description
May 6, 2016
I want to repay for support goods we received, as it connects with people for the future. As our lives were OK by having our own house and my husband’s work, I tried to record all the support we had received and return the favor. At that time, we were all up to the neck just trying to live and just accepting the goods. No one had any room to be able to make repayment, and I thought I was the only one who could do this now. I tried my best to welcome Prince William when he came to Ishinomaki, too.
I was largely influenced by my mother who shared delicious things with others or provided food to others even she didn’t have any. She was from a family of pedigree. My parents were running a store. The first sale of the year was always busy and I was always sent away to my mother’s parents’. I helped the store with my parents and think I’ve learned people skills then. I remember my mother cooled lots of Kinpiragobo (fried burdock root) and gave to customers to take home. I started to cook when I was third grade. My mother was a type of a person who always had good luck.
In February of 2011, my parents closed the store. On March 11, my mother was in the hospital for being terminally ill from cancer, and my brothers were also visiting her at the hospital as her doctor told us she had very little time left to live. We all worried about our father who was alone in the house. It turned out that he lost his life to the tsunami in the house, and we confirmed that on March 12. We informed about our
father’s passing to our mother, and she passed away next day on March 13. Her doctor explained to us about her passing, and I became conscious of the existence of God. I felt there was God as I saw Self Defense Force looked for my father in snow and carried canned goods to help us. I’m thankful for policemen and SDF who tried very hard when traffic signals were out of order.
I have a feeling that God is arranging people and events ahead of time for us. I was shocked to hear a doctor from a large hospital said that he wouldn’t be able to send doctors who cost 50 million yen to train to become a doctor to the areas that were hit hard by the disaster even though there were people suffering. But, later I understood why. We had bad sanitary situation and unsafe condition with thieves. We didn’t have water, either. I was lucky to have two brothers and my husband. I’m still struggling just to live but feel I’m privileged. A friend of mine found her husband’s body but it was just a lower part of his body.
Death will come to us in the order of our parents first then me. We don’t have any children. When my husband was gone to England for a half year, my life was not as lively. We’ve been together 21 years, but I started to organize our belongings, dishes and inside the closets, and list things up so that my husband can find something easily after I’m gone.
It’s important to care for others. I became acquainted with people who came from other cities. If you keep improving your character and personality, it will deepen your relationship too. A series of events is like a stream of water. I want to see the stream and be able to determine where it goes. I’d like to initiate a stream. People who are needed by others appear with specific rolls to play, build a road for us and go away.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.424867018552, 141.29934109214
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
N さん (40代)
Japanese Description
2016年5月6日 いただいた支援は恩返ししたいです。次につながるので。家もあるし夫の仕事もあって
きないので、自分にしかできないと思いました。英国ウイリアム王子が石巻に来た時も、 できるだけのことをしました。 母の影響が大きいです。母はおいしいものを分けたり、自分が食べなくともあげたりし
持たせたりしたことを記憶しています。自分は小学3年生の時から料理をしていました。 母は強運でいつも大吉をひく人でした。 2011年2月に両親は店を閉めました。母が末期がんで3.11は入院中で、余命わ
の中、父を探してくれたし缶詰の箱を運んでいる姿を見て、神はいると確信しました。停 電で信号が機能していない当時、頑張った警察官や自衛隊に感謝です。 神が、人や出来事を前もって配置してくれている気がします。1人に5000万円をか
対面しました。 両親そして自分という順番で死がきます。自分は子供がいなくて、子供が亡くなったわ
でした。21年の夫婦生活ですが、このごろ、食器や押し入れの整理をして、夫がすぐわ かるようにリストアップしています。 相手を思いやることは大切です。外からやって来る人達と縁ができました。自分の性格
に見えて、その流れを見きわめたいです。流れを作りたいです。必要な人が役割をもって 現れ、道を作ってくれ、そして去って行くんです。
English Title
Ms. N (a woman in her 40’s)
English Description
May 6, 2016
I want to repay for support goods we received, as it connects with people for the future. As our lives were OK by having our own house and my husband’s work, I tried to record all the support we had received and return the favor. At that time, we were all up to the neck just trying to live and just accepting the goods. No one had any room to be able to make repayment, and I thought I was the only one who could do this now. I tried my best to welcome Prince William when he came to Ishinomaki, too.
I was largely influenced by my mother who shared delicious things with others or provided food to others even she didn’t have any. She was from a family of pedigree. My parents were running a store. The first sale of the year was always busy and I was always sent away to my mother’s parents’. I helped the store with my parents and think I’ve learned people skills then. I remember my mother cooled lots of Kinpiragobo (fried burdock root) and gave to customers to take home. I started to cook when I was third grade. My mother was a type of a person who always had good luck.
In February of 2011, my parents closed the store. On March 11, my mother was in the hospital for being terminally ill from cancer, and my brothers were also visiting her at the hospital as her doctor told us she had very little time left to live. We all worried about our father who was alone in the house. It turned out that he lost his life to the tsunami in the house, and we confirmed that on March 12. We informed about our
father’s passing to our mother, and she passed away next day on March 13. Her doctor explained to us about her passing, and I became conscious of the existence of God. I felt there was God as I saw Self Defense Force looked for my father in snow and carried canned goods to help us. I’m thankful for policemen and SDF who tried very hard when traffic signals were out of order.
I have a feeling that God is arranging people and events ahead of time for us. I was shocked to hear a doctor from a large hospital said that he wouldn’t be able to send doctors who cost 50 million yen to train to become a doctor to the areas that were hit hard by the disaster even though there were people suffering. But, later I understood why. We had bad sanitary situation and unsafe condition with thieves. We didn’t have water, either. I was lucky to have two brothers and my husband. I’m still struggling just to live but feel I’m privileged. A friend of mine found her husband’s body but it was just a lower part of his body.
Death will come to us in the order of our parents first then me. We don’t have any children. When my husband was gone to England for a half year, my life was not as lively. We’ve been together 21 years, but I started to organize our belongings, dishes and inside the closets, and list things up so that my husband can find something easily after I’m gone.
It’s important to care for others. I became acquainted with people who came from other cities. If you keep improving your character and personality, it will deepen your relationship too. A series of events is like a stream of water. I want to see the stream and be able to determine where it goes. I’d like to initiate a stream. People who are needed by others appear with specific rolls to play, build a road for us and go away.
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