Item Description
June 1, 2016
I used to have a produce market by the river. I quickly brought vegetables and fruits inside and locked the door when I heard the tsunami was coming. Later, I heard from my neighbors that they ate some of my produce that were packed in plastic bags and floated in the water. I remember Ponkan oranges were floating in the water when I entered my store on the third day. Although my store was small, I could still see the marks inside the store where the tsunami swirled.
I thought of staying with relatives but went to the shelter instead so that I didn’t have to be polite all the time at the relative’s house. I stayed there for a half year. It may be because I was running a store that I liked to talk to people, and cleaning and cooking with others didn’t bother me at all. I heard some people at the shelter were concerned
about being watched by others or not comfortable in a communal living. I was totally fine may be because I had many of my neighbors there. When I was young, I was shy around strangers, not found of interacting with people and didn’t like to talk with others.
I was learning sewing and knitting as I liked to work with hands when I was young and stayed home without going to work. I married with someone whose family business was a produce market, started to get used to people and it’s been 35 years. I’ve been living with his parents. Produce market is very busy. I bagged vegetables and fruits and lined them up to display. My hands got rough, and I remember my mother used to rub them for me.
Since we had a cat, we wanted to move out of the shelter as soon as possible and entered a drawing to win a temporary housing. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the one we liked. We lived in a temporary housing for three and a half years. As I saw people leaving after building a new house, I envied them. We considered living in a public housing, but our son agreed to build a new house together. My mother-in- law passed away one year before the disaster. I wanted to rebuild our house before the 7th year anniversary of her death and invite people to thank for their support. I was hoping to rebuild the old house even before the disaster, but my husband was opposing the idea saying we didn’t have money to do that. We had a family meeting with our three children and I was happy that we came to the conclusion to build a house with our son where we could live together. I couldn’t express my joy openly because other people were still living in the temporary housing. We took out our belongings little by little and left without saying anything to others when we moved. There are some new houses being built in where we used to live, but everyone stays inside and no one comes out. I hope for a neighborhood association to be organized soon. I want to see my neighbors again.
You can shop and check out by yourself at large grocery stores without talking to anyone. But, there are customers who enjoy talking to store staff while they shop as in the case of this small produce store at a temporary retail complex. While large-scale supermarkets are convenient, it’s nice to have a small store like this one in your neighborhood, isn’t it? Of course, you can buy everything you need at a large supermarket. And it might be a bit inconvenient to customers to come to a small produce store like this one as there are no butchers or fish stores nearby… This
temporary retail complex will close in October. And we will close our produce market business too, because there is no guarantee our neighbors will come back to our store even if we re-open it. No matter what, I remain optimistic.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.421478580284, 141.29161577835
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
Q さん(60代)
Japanese Description
ポンカンだけがぷくぷく浮いていたのを覚えています。小さい店なのに、津波が渦を巻い た跡が残っていました。 親戚の家に身を寄せようとしましたが、気をつかうと思ったので避難所へ行きました。
く気になりませんでした。若いころは人見知りで人付き合いが苦手で、しゃべるのが好き じゃなかったです。 若いころ、裁縫や編み物を習って、手仕事が好きで家にいました。八百屋に嫁いで、だ
に野菜や果物を詰めたり並べたりしました。手が荒れて、母が手を撫でてくれたのを思い 出します。 猫がいるので早く避難所から出て仮設住宅に住もうと抽選に応募したけれど、気にいっ
築した家が建ち始めているけれど、みんな家にこもっています。早く町内会ができて、近 所の人たちと会いたい。 大きなスーパーは一人で清算をして、誰とも話さず買い物ができるけれど、この仮設商
商店街は10月で終わり。私たちも、もう八百屋を閉めるつもり。前の場所で八百屋を再 開しても、はたして以前のように近所の人が買いに来てくれる保証はないから。 でも、私は楽天家なの。
English Title
Ms. Q (a woman in her 60’s)
English Description
June 1, 2016
I used to have a produce market by the river. I quickly brought vegetables and fruits inside and locked the door when I heard the tsunami was coming. Later, I heard from my neighbors that they ate some of my produce that were packed in plastic bags and floated in the water. I remember Ponkan oranges were floating in the water when I entered my store on the third day. Although my store was small, I could still see the marks inside the store where the tsunami swirled.
I thought of staying with relatives but went to the shelter instead so that I didn’t have to be polite all the time at the relative’s house. I stayed there for a half year. It may be because I was running a store that I liked to talk to people, and cleaning and cooking with others didn’t bother me at all. I heard some people at the shelter were concerned
about being watched by others or not comfortable in a communal living. I was totally fine may be because I had many of my neighbors there. When I was young, I was shy around strangers, not found of interacting with people and didn’t like to talk with others.
I was learning sewing and knitting as I liked to work with hands when I was young and stayed home without going to work. I married with someone whose family business was a produce market, started to get used to people and it’s been 35 years. I’ve been living with his parents. Produce market is very busy. I bagged vegetables and fruits and lined them up to display. My hands got rough, and I remember my mother used to rub them for me.
Since we had a cat, we wanted to move out of the shelter as soon as possible and entered a drawing to win a temporary housing. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the one we liked. We lived in a temporary housing for three and a half years. As I saw people leaving after building a new house, I envied them. We considered living in a public housing, but our son agreed to build a new house together. My mother-in- law passed away one year before the disaster. I wanted to rebuild our house before the 7th year anniversary of her death and invite people to thank for their support. I was hoping to rebuild the old house even before the disaster, but my husband was opposing the idea saying we didn’t have money to do that. We had a family meeting with our three children and I was happy that we came to the conclusion to build a house with our son where we could live together. I couldn’t express my joy openly because other people were still living in the temporary housing. We took out our belongings little by little and left without saying anything to others when we moved. There are some new houses being built in where we used to live, but everyone stays inside and no one comes out. I hope for a neighborhood association to be organized soon. I want to see my neighbors again.
You can shop and check out by yourself at large grocery stores without talking to anyone. But, there are customers who enjoy talking to store staff while they shop as in the case of this small produce store at a temporary retail complex. While large-scale supermarkets are convenient, it’s nice to have a small store like this one in your neighborhood, isn’t it? Of course, you can buy everything you need at a large supermarket. And it might be a bit inconvenient to customers to come to a small produce store like this one as there are no butchers or fish stores nearby… This
temporary retail complex will close in October. And we will close our produce market business too, because there is no guarantee our neighbors will come back to our store even if we re-open it. No matter what, I remain optimistic.
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