Ms. S (a woman in her 60’s) S さん (60代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
June 4, 2016 I was at home when the earthquakes occurred. I went outside to wait for my husband. I saw a boy, a high school student, came running on the road towards me shouting “get out!” I could see the black Tsunami behind him. I followed him, and we escaped to the top of a pedestrian bridge together. There was a rush of cars underneath the bridge and some were being washed away. A young man on the bridge shouted, “put your hands in your pockets!” I obeyed his direction and put my hands in my pockets. After the water had gone down, the mountain of debris prevented me from coming down from the bridge. The men around me helped me to come down. I escaped to the building of a trucking company. Many of the kind drivers there helped me. They took me into one of their trucks with other strangers to stay. It was warm as they generously made fire continuously with the gasoline they had. One night, we heard a voice coming from top of a tree saying “help!” The men there helped the person by standing on top of the truck. It was good that there was a well nearby. Fish that had been transported by trucks and food items from affected grocery stores washed up to the mountain side. We collected and cooked them using drum cans. I used to run a boarding house and was used to cooking for a crowd. I liked to cook and it didn’t bother me that I was cooking for dozens of victims. My cooking experience came in handy. I was creative in making the most of what was available, for example, I made porridge when we were short of rice and made some jam from apples to preserve them longer. We also did things like wrapping plates with plastic wrap so that they didn’t have to be washed. We craved for sweets back then. On the other hand, we got to eat some channel rockfish that were on a delivery truck, which were very expensive. I want to take good care of our mountains so that our well water stays clean. My husband was working in a freezer for fish near the harbor. When the earthquake happened, I was crying thinking my husband might have died being locked inside of the freezer with the power doors being disabled due to power outage. I have given up hope thinking he might have either been frozen to death or crashed under heavy materials. I later found out that my husband escaped to the mountain side immediately after the earthquake happened. I also learned that he came looking for me few days later. He had gone without eating for a while but someone he knew gave him some rice balls. When I went home to clean up, the picture frame was standing in a different location from before, and I knew my husband had been there. We moved to our daughter’s house in Sendai City after ten days. I was taken by surprise how little the lives in Sendai had been affected by the disaster. I suffer from Parkinson’s disease and went around many pharmacies looking for some medicine. I still fear earthquakes. We demolished our house that was damaged by the Tsunami and built a new one. We also bought a new car as our old one got washed away. We sent two daughters to private collages thus we have no savings and are financially very tight. A grand child was born in 2014. The power of a new life is remarkable. I took the role of the chairperson of the local neighborhood association in 2015, with an intention to give back for what our children had received while they were growing up. My life changed substantially after experiencing the March 11 disaster.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.425787789356, 141.30125194246
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
S さん (60代)
Japanese Description
2016年6月4日 地震が起きた時、家にいました。夫を待っていて外に出ていました。道路を走って来る 男子高校生がいて、「逃げろ。」と叫んでいました。彼の後ろに黒い津波が見えました。そ の高校生の後を、一緒に逃げて、歩道橋に上がりました。歩道橋の下は渋滞の車。流され る車。歩道橋の上で、「ポケットに手を入れて。」と若い男性が言ったので、素直に自分の ポケットに手を入れました。波がひけた時、歩道橋から降りようとしましたが、がれきで いっぱいで降りられません。男性たちが手伝ってくれて降りました。近くの運送会社に避 難しました。親切な運転手さん達に助けてもらいました。運送会社のトラックに知らない 人と入れてもらいました。ガソリンがあって、バンバン焚いてくれましたので温かかった です。夜中に木の上から「助けて。」の声が聞こえて、車の上に乗って助ける運転手達。 その運送会社の近くに井戸水があって、よかったです。魚を運んでいたトラックの積み 荷や被災したスーパーから物が山際に流れ着き、それを拾ってドラム缶で炊き出しをしま した。私は以前、下宿屋をやっていたので、料理を作るのは好きで、たくさんの食事を作 るのに慣れていて平気でした。避難していた人たちの数十人分です。これまでの体験が生 かされました。ご飯が足りない時はおかゆにしたり、リンゴは日持ちするジャムにしたり。 知恵を使いました。サランラップを皿にしいて、なるべく洗わないように。 あの頃は甘いものがほしかったです。でもトラックの積み荷からもらった高価な魚(キ チジ)なんかも食べたの。きれいな井戸水のために、これから山を大切にしたい。港近く の魚の冷凍庫で働いていた夫は、電気が止まってドアが開かず、外へ出れなくて帰ってこ られないのかもしれない、もしかすると中で死んだかもと泣いていました。きっと荷物の 下敷きが、凍死したかもしれないとあきらめていました。後でわかったのは、地震の後、 すぐに山へ逃げたらしいです。数日後、夫は私を探しに来たそうです。しばらく食べてい なかったのですが、知り合いにお握りをもらったそうです。 家に片づけに入って、立てていた家族写真の位置が違っていました。夫が来ていたんだ とわかりました。10日後に仙台の娘の所へ。仙台は普通の生活でびっくり。パーキンソ ン病で、薬局は何件も回りました。今でも地震が怖い。津波が襲った家を解体し、家を新 築しました。車も流されたので車も買いました。二人の娘を私立大へ入れたので貯蓄もな く、経済的に苦しい。2014年に孫が産まれたのですが、新しい命の力は大きい存在で す。 子供が小さい時、町内会にはお世話になったから、2015年から町内会長を引き受け ました。3.11で人生が大きく変わりました。
English Title
Ms. S (a woman in her 60’s)
English Description
June 4, 2016 I was at home when the earthquakes occurred. I went outside to wait for my husband. I saw a boy, a high school student, came running on the road towards me shouting “get out!” I could see the black Tsunami behind him. I followed him, and we escaped to the top of a pedestrian bridge together. There was a rush of cars underneath the bridge and some were being washed away. A young man on the bridge shouted, “put your hands in your pockets!” I obeyed his direction and put my hands in my pockets. After the water had gone down, the mountain of debris prevented me from coming down from the bridge. The men around me helped me to come down. I escaped to the building of a trucking company. Many of the kind drivers there helped me. They took me into one of their trucks with other strangers to stay. It was warm as they generously made fire continuously with the gasoline they had. One night, we heard a voice coming from top of a tree saying “help!” The men there helped the person by standing on top of the truck. It was good that there was a well nearby. Fish that had been transported by trucks and food items from affected grocery stores washed up to the mountain side. We collected and cooked them using drum cans. I used to run a boarding house and was used to cooking for a crowd. I liked to cook and it didn’t bother me that I was cooking for dozens of victims. My cooking experience came in handy. I was creative in making the most of what was available, for example, I made porridge when we were short of rice and made some jam from apples to preserve them longer. We also did things like wrapping plates with plastic wrap so that they didn’t have to be washed. We craved for sweets back then. On the other hand, we got to eat some channel rockfish that were on a delivery truck, which were very expensive. I want to take good care of our mountains so that our well water stays clean. My husband was working in a freezer for fish near the harbor. When the earthquake happened, I was crying thinking my husband might have died being locked inside of the freezer with the power doors being disabled due to power outage. I have given up hope thinking he might have either been frozen to death or crashed under heavy materials. I later found out that my husband escaped to the mountain side immediately after the earthquake happened. I also learned that he came looking for me few days later. He had gone without eating for a while but someone he knew gave him some rice balls. When I went home to clean up, the picture frame was standing in a different location from before, and I knew my husband had been there. We moved to our daughter’s house in Sendai City after ten days. I was taken by surprise how little the lives in Sendai had been affected by the disaster. I suffer from Parkinson’s disease and went around many pharmacies looking for some medicine. I still fear earthquakes. We demolished our house that was damaged by the Tsunami and built a new one. We also bought a new car as our old one got washed away. We sent two daughters to private collages thus we have no savings and are financially very tight. A grand child was born in 2014. The power of a new life is remarkable. I took the role of the chairperson of the local neighborhood association in 2015, with an intention to give back for what our children had received while they were growing up. My life changed substantially after experiencing the March 11 disaster.
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