Item Description
June 12, 2016
I had been helping the flower shop that my brother ran for more than 30 years before the disaster. It was a family business of my parents but got swept away by the Tsunami. Before March 11, I had been thinking to stop working at the shop. I thought it was a good timing as my son was getting married and I wanted to be available to watch my grandchildren. I had been commuting from Nagatsura, Ishinomaki City for over 30 years. After experiencing the March 11 disaster, I developed a desire to sustain my parents’ business. My brother had already taken a different job, then. I knew running a business was not an easy task but decided to give it a try. My husband quitted his job and helped me reopen the flower shop. My husband always loved flowers and he used to tend his flower garden. Our 15-year old house, the garden, and all were swept away. We looked for a new land and build a new house, but we currently have double mortgage as we still had a mortgage left on the other house. When my husband’s health declined in 2015, my son left his job to help with the delivery. Being healthy is the most important thing! Even with the challenges we had, we all survived and consider ourselves lucky compared to the people who lost their lives with the disaster. On the day of March 11, I was arranging flowers on the podium at the middle school for the graduation ceremony. It was quite remarkable to witness how the teachers reacted to the earthquakes. “Gather them!” Teachers gathered students immediately. Some teachers went on bicycle to look for students who had already left the school building. It is quite a contrast to one of elementary schools where many students’ lives were lost. I wonder if the teachers there were either new or lacked in the ability to make decisions.
I spent the rest of the day after the earthquakes at the school. Warm rice balls were delivered by the women’s group in Iinogawa that day. About ten of us went back to the site where our houses were the next day. I reunited with my son there. My son went to look for his friend’s missing mother. It was strange that the fact I had a sister who lived in the area with minimal damage to take refuge had never crossed my mind then. It is a mystery to me to this day.
I reunited with my husband who was safe. His two sisters bought us a land for the new house. My husband is the eldest son in the family, therefore, his home means the “permanent home” for them. They bought the site so that we could rebuild quickly which was also to ease their painful notion of not having a “permanent home”. To return their favor, we opened the flower shop in July of 2011. I wanted to run the flower shop business just like my parents had even though I had learned that running a business was not easy observing my parents when I was growing up. I told myself I must turn the March 11 event into an opportunity to sustain our family business and the thought of losing it was painful. Having the flower shop connected me to others. The customers from a long time ago came back which motivated me. I gained confidence to run the business. My son told me he wanted to join, too, and we discussed and explored various new business ideas together, such as online shop. When I was younger, I used to carry my son on my back while I worked at the shop. I was considering retiring as I wanted to take care of my grandchildren so that my son wouldn’t have to go through what I went through and avoid hardship. On the other hand, the flower shop was my life. I was confident that I could make it happen. It has been like living in a dream the past five years. It was a sad first year after we lost our house. I now revisit the various events from those days. I cannot be discouraged; I have bills to pay and not time to be sick. In the second year, I switched my mindset to “live with what we have”. I’ve watched my parents run the business and learned how things were on the days when the business was slow, but it taught me to be strong and to be resilient through the hardships. My husband lost his father when he was young and has been fulfilling his role as the eldest son for the family well. My husband and I visit both of our parents’ graves when the business is slow and ask them for more business. They help us each time and the customers come. It is strange, I didn’t think of them too much before the disaster, but I remember them often since then. I go with the flow, positively and search for what I can do in life. Women are tough. If you live positively, people will help you in a great deal. I had many regular customers who used to come to our shop at the previous location. The life is so wondrous, I had no idea that we would end up opening the new shop where they lived. It was strange how we came about to this land. I wonder if we were guided by a higher power. I was concerned about opening the shop in a new locality in the beginning, but it turned out to be the neighborhood where our regular customers lived. I am convinced we are all connected in some way. Those customers refer other customers to our shop. It’s been helpful that
we’ve always kept good relationships with others. I try to see things in a positive light. I really appreciate my family’s support.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.416115046544, 141.29640614065
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
U さん(50代)
Japanese Description
震災前は、兄が経営していた花屋を、30 年以上手伝っていました。私の実家の花屋です。 津波で流されました。3.11の前には、もう花屋をやめようと思っていました。息子が
てみようと思いました。夫は仕事をやめ、一緒に花屋を再開しました。夫はもともと花が 好きで庭を作っていました。建てて 15 年たった家も庭もすべて流されました。ローンも残 っていましたから、新しく土地をもとめて家を新築して、二重ローンです。 2015 年に夫が少し体をこわし、今度は息子が仕事をやめ配達を手伝うようになりました。 健康が一番ですね。3.11で亡くなった人に比べれば、自分は家族がみんな無事なので
震の後、先生たちの行動はすごかった。 「集めろ!」と。すぐに生徒たちを集めたり、帰っ
た子供達を探しに自転車で行ったり。それに比べて、ある小学校はでは、たくさんの子供 たちが犠牲になりました。判断できない先生方や新しい先生達だったのでしょうか。 その日は学校で過ごしました。温かいおにぎりが届きました。その日に飯野川の婦人部か
いので探しにいく息子。私の姉が被害の少ない町にいて、そこにお世話になることができ たのに、いっさい彼女のことを考えませんでした。なぜでしょう。今でも不思議です。 無事だった夫と会えました。新しい土地は、夫の姉二人が購入してくれました。長男で
ある夫の姉たちは実家がなくなるのはつらいので早く土地をといって。買ってくれた姉た ちにお返するために 2011 年 7 月に店をオープン。親を見てきて商売は大変だとわかってい たけれど、自分もやりたいと思ったのです。3.11を機にやらなくちゃ!と実家をつな
って、花屋は人生そのもので、自信がありました。できるんじゃないかと。夢中で過ごし たこの 5 年間。家がなくなって悲しい一年。あれがあった、これがあったと思い出します。
でも、下を向いていられない、支払いもあるし、病気になっていられないんです。2 年目か らは「ある物で」と気持ちを切り替えました。両親の商売を見てきて、売れない日もあり、
子供のころから強く生きて、我慢しなければと教えられてきました。夫の父も早くなくな り長男として強く生きてきました。 自分は夫と、花が売れない時、お墓参りに行って両方の両親に頼むんです。すると助け
てくれ、お客が来るんですよ。3.11の前は、あまり親のことを考えなかったのにね。 あれから考え始めました。 流れにまかせて、前向きに、自分でできることをみつけるんです。女は強いです。前向
です。物事をいい方に、いい方にと考えるようにしています。家族の協力は本当にありが たいです。
English Title
Ms. U (a woman in her 50’s)
English Description
June 12, 2016
I had been helping the flower shop that my brother ran for more than 30 years before the disaster. It was a family business of my parents but got swept away by the Tsunami. Before March 11, I had been thinking to stop working at the shop. I thought it was a good timing as my son was getting married and I wanted to be available to watch my grandchildren. I had been commuting from Nagatsura, Ishinomaki City for over 30 years. After experiencing the March 11 disaster, I developed a desire to sustain my parents’ business. My brother had already taken a different job, then. I knew running a business was not an easy task but decided to give it a try. My husband quitted his job and helped me reopen the flower shop. My husband always loved flowers and he used to tend his flower garden. Our 15-year old house, the garden, and all were swept away. We looked for a new land and build a new house, but we currently have double mortgage as we still had a mortgage left on the other house. When my husband’s health declined in 2015, my son left his job to help with the delivery. Being healthy is the most important thing! Even with the challenges we had, we all survived and consider ourselves lucky compared to the people who lost their lives with the disaster. On the day of March 11, I was arranging flowers on the podium at the middle school for the graduation ceremony. It was quite remarkable to witness how the teachers reacted to the earthquakes. “Gather them!” Teachers gathered students immediately. Some teachers went on bicycle to look for students who had already left the school building. It is quite a contrast to one of elementary schools where many students’ lives were lost. I wonder if the teachers there were either new or lacked in the ability to make decisions.
I spent the rest of the day after the earthquakes at the school. Warm rice balls were delivered by the women’s group in Iinogawa that day. About ten of us went back to the site where our houses were the next day. I reunited with my son there. My son went to look for his friend’s missing mother. It was strange that the fact I had a sister who lived in the area with minimal damage to take refuge had never crossed my mind then. It is a mystery to me to this day.
I reunited with my husband who was safe. His two sisters bought us a land for the new house. My husband is the eldest son in the family, therefore, his home means the “permanent home” for them. They bought the site so that we could rebuild quickly which was also to ease their painful notion of not having a “permanent home”. To return their favor, we opened the flower shop in July of 2011. I wanted to run the flower shop business just like my parents had even though I had learned that running a business was not easy observing my parents when I was growing up. I told myself I must turn the March 11 event into an opportunity to sustain our family business and the thought of losing it was painful. Having the flower shop connected me to others. The customers from a long time ago came back which motivated me. I gained confidence to run the business. My son told me he wanted to join, too, and we discussed and explored various new business ideas together, such as online shop. When I was younger, I used to carry my son on my back while I worked at the shop. I was considering retiring as I wanted to take care of my grandchildren so that my son wouldn’t have to go through what I went through and avoid hardship. On the other hand, the flower shop was my life. I was confident that I could make it happen. It has been like living in a dream the past five years. It was a sad first year after we lost our house. I now revisit the various events from those days. I cannot be discouraged; I have bills to pay and not time to be sick. In the second year, I switched my mindset to “live with what we have”. I’ve watched my parents run the business and learned how things were on the days when the business was slow, but it taught me to be strong and to be resilient through the hardships. My husband lost his father when he was young and has been fulfilling his role as the eldest son for the family well. My husband and I visit both of our parents’ graves when the business is slow and ask them for more business. They help us each time and the customers come. It is strange, I didn’t think of them too much before the disaster, but I remember them often since then. I go with the flow, positively and search for what I can do in life. Women are tough. If you live positively, people will help you in a great deal. I had many regular customers who used to come to our shop at the previous location. The life is so wondrous, I had no idea that we would end up opening the new shop where they lived. It was strange how we came about to this land. I wonder if we were guided by a higher power. I was concerned about opening the shop in a new locality in the beginning, but it turned out to be the neighborhood where our regular customers lived. I am convinced we are all connected in some way. Those customers refer other customers to our shop. It’s been helpful that
we’ve always kept good relationships with others. I try to see things in a positive light. I really appreciate my family’s support.
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