Ms. V (a woman in her 50’s) V さん(50代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
June 19, 2016 I heard that the sea between the island and the peninsula got split in two and the seafloor was visible. I saw a picture of this occurrence. They said that the water got separated into two sides and a straight passage way was formed in between the island and the peninsula. The power of the nature is astonishing, indeed. Each side of the water crushed into each other afterword which resulted in the Tsunami. We cannot prevent an event like such that the slabs of rock moving at the seafloor level which was causing the earthquakes. We are completely powerless. It may come out wrong, but I am wondering why not build homes that are easily put back together even if they get destroyed by Mother Nature or why don’t we lead minimalist lives? The earth has tremendous power over us beyond our imagination. We are nothing more than creatures living on the surface of the earth for its mercy. You know, the bears are coming around the town recently. They come down to the village because there’s no food in the mountains, you see. They won’t bother coming down if food is available in the mountains, you know? I am wondering if the fact that we are depleting the bamboo shoots in the mountain is contributing to it, as well. I suspect humans are responsible for many bad things. Do you remember a large number of deer on the island died after the earthquakes due to food shortage? A long time ago, a herd of deer from the island moved to the peninsula side by swimming across the sea. The monkeys could not swim so they went on the back of the deer to come across to the peninsula side. How interesting. It sounds like it was made up, but it is a true story. The tide is fast around there, and I am wondering if those deer were able to time the tide correctly. Speaking of tide, I heard that the fishermen are having a hard time unloading the fish from the boat to the shore lately prevented by the tall concrete breakwaters being built or soil piled too high after the earthquakes. They are force to wait till the tide is high enough for the boat to be at a closer level with the pier in order for them to unload the fish. It is bizarre. For elder fishermen, it makes it especially difficult for them. The ground that sank by about two meters after the earthquakes is slowly rising again, and the efforts to make a higher ground by piling soil are being wasted. The earth is constantly shifting, you see? It scares me a bit. Speaking of fear, I attended a school by the shore when I was little. On one high-tide day, I remember walking to school on the road where crashing waves from the ocean was splashing over my head. I had never walked on the same road again when the tide was high after that as it’s dangerous. I am convinced that human beings are powerless against nature.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.425719215423, 141.30291728705
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
V さん(50代)
Japanese Description
2016年6月19日 3.11の時、半島と島の間の海が割れて、海の底が見えたらしい。写真で見ました。 両方に波が引いて一本の道が、半島と島の間にできたそうです。自然の力ってすごいです ね。その後、二つの波がぶつかって、そして、あの津波。海底の断層が動いて地震がくる なんて、人間は防げない。どうすればいいでしょう。 誤解を招くかもしれませんが、自然で破壊されても、すぐに直せる簡単な構造の家を作 ったり、物をもたない生活なんか、できないでしょうか。地球って、計り知れない力を持 っています。人間は地球に、ちょっと乗っかって暮らしているだけ。 最近、熊が町の近くに出てくるね。山に食べ物がないから、人里に降りてくるんだよね。 山に食料さえあれば降りてこないでしょ。人間がタケノコを採り尽くしてしまったりする のも影響あるかなぁ。人間が悪いのかも。島の鹿も、震災後、食料不足で大量に死んだよ ね。昔、島の鹿は、泳いで半島の方へ移ったらしい。島にいるサルは泳げないから、その 鹿の背中に乗って来たんだって。おもしろいね。うそのような本当の話。あの辺りは潮の 流れが速いから、鹿はちゃんと潮をよんだのかなぁ?潮といえば、震災の後、沿岸部の港 には、コンクリートの高い防波堤ができたり、高すぎる土盛りで、漁師さんたちは、魚を 容易に船から陸へ上げられないらしい。潮の高い時に、港と船の高さが近くなって、やっ と魚を陸へ上げられる。へんな話。年老いた漁師は、なかなか難しい。 地震で2メートル近く地盤沈下したけど、今、少しづつまた地盤が上がっているってい う。せっかく土盛りしても、こうして地球は動いているんだね。ちょっと怖い。そういえ ば、子供のころ、沿岸部の学校に通っていて高潮の時、海からしぶきが道路に吹き上げら れて、その中を通学したのを思い出す。高潮の時は危ないから絶対に、その道は通らなか った。 人間は自然の力には、かなわないと思う。
English Title
Ms. V (a woman in her 50’s)
English Description
June 19, 2016 I heard that the sea between the island and the peninsula got split in two and the seafloor was visible. I saw a picture of this occurrence. They said that the water got separated into two sides and a straight passage way was formed in between the island and the peninsula. The power of the nature is astonishing, indeed. Each side of the water crushed into each other afterword which resulted in the Tsunami. We cannot prevent an event like such that the slabs of rock moving at the seafloor level which was causing the earthquakes. We are completely powerless. It may come out wrong, but I am wondering why not build homes that are easily put back together even if they get destroyed by Mother Nature or why don’t we lead minimalist lives? The earth has tremendous power over us beyond our imagination. We are nothing more than creatures living on the surface of the earth for its mercy. You know, the bears are coming around the town recently. They come down to the village because there’s no food in the mountains, you see. They won’t bother coming down if food is available in the mountains, you know? I am wondering if the fact that we are depleting the bamboo shoots in the mountain is contributing to it, as well. I suspect humans are responsible for many bad things. Do you remember a large number of deer on the island died after the earthquakes due to food shortage? A long time ago, a herd of deer from the island moved to the peninsula side by swimming across the sea. The monkeys could not swim so they went on the back of the deer to come across to the peninsula side. How interesting. It sounds like it was made up, but it is a true story. The tide is fast around there, and I am wondering if those deer were able to time the tide correctly. Speaking of tide, I heard that the fishermen are having a hard time unloading the fish from the boat to the shore lately prevented by the tall concrete breakwaters being built or soil piled too high after the earthquakes. They are force to wait till the tide is high enough for the boat to be at a closer level with the pier in order for them to unload the fish. It is bizarre. For elder fishermen, it makes it especially difficult for them. The ground that sank by about two meters after the earthquakes is slowly rising again, and the efforts to make a higher ground by piling soil are being wasted. The earth is constantly shifting, you see? It scares me a bit. Speaking of fear, I attended a school by the shore when I was little. On one high-tide day, I remember walking to school on the road where crashing waves from the ocean was splashing over my head. I had never walked on the same road again when the tide was high after that as it’s dangerous. I am convinced that human beings are powerless against nature.
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