Ms. YS (a woman in her 60’s) Y.S 60代

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
July 27, 2016 It’s important to have awareness of disaster prevention on a regular basis. It’s important to have a creative education with a focus on children after reviewing the old education system which encourages just memorizing. When I was young, I thought of becoming a teacher was too difficult for the task at hand. I respected teachers. After graduating collage, I worked for an accounting department of a company for a year and half. One day, when I was using an abacus, my ears heard ringing of a school bell. Then I quit my job and became a substitute teacher. When I wanted to get more involved with children, the school principal advised me to become a full time teacher. Three girls who were alienated in school directly appealed to the principal that I should have been a teacher. The children mediated my career. I appreciated my husband as a good partner supporting my work. While having a threatened miscarriage and raising a child were challenging, I was fully motivated to take on advices from many seniors and learn from great teachers. I ran the school with a focus on designing classes and events. It’s a safety education to protect own life. Teachers were united and communicated well, and I believe we made a good group of assembly with a whole school. When we changed the guidance plan, we could see that the children were changing as a result. This is a school that offers a place for children to be lively, while we tried to change the parents’ way of thinking as well in order to take care of the children together. On 3.11, we just followed a usual evacuation drill. Teachers and children were taking these routine drills quite seriously. We knew with certainty that a powerful earthquake was coming some day, so we had safety education. It’s an everyday effort to walk the hallway quietly, line up quickly at morning meetings and school assemblies and listen to what teachers have to say. I did this with the limited time of three years until my retirement but spent more and more time for this purpose. I passed on a Zen phrase “Cherry blossoms smile in the spring wind as in the past” to children at the meeting on 3.11 and told them that they had to accept the hardships and continue to live. I tried to become a teacher who creates good things and enlighten hearts with clear vision of bringing up utmost of the children and a desirable school as a school principal. I might have been influenced by my father. I treasured the encounter and relationship while overcoming the obstacles by accepting them. My 33 years of teaching was full of learning experiences from the children. I appreciated the children because our teachings were mutual. Good classes nurture the ability to make decisions by thinking and expressing, stopping and looking back. One child who moved to Kobe after the disaster told me about a teacher who shouted “Come up!” and desperately protected him. I want to preserve the school building that had been damaged as remains of the disaster. On 3.11, I heard Tsunami warning sirens in the schoolyard. With a split- second decision, I quickly evacuated to a higher ground with 230 children. Locals evacuated together, and we adults were also saved by the children. Later, we opened a safe that was at the school with a blowtorch and took out graduation diplomas that were stored there for the upcoming graduation ceremony. The children born in the year of the disaster are now the first graders at elementary school. I want to carry out my mission to tell and pass on the facts. I wonder how harrowing it was for the teachers who lived through the wars. They were tough, weren’t they? We also must survive natural disasters.
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Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
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One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
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Japanese Title
Y.S 60代
Japanese Description
2016年7月27日 日ごろからの防災意識が大切です。こなす教育でなく、創る教育へと見直して、子供を 中心とした創意ある教育です。私は若いころ、大変な仕事だから教師にはなれないと思っ ていました。教師を尊敬していました。大学を卒業して、1年半、会社の経理を担当して いました。ある日、会社でそろばんをはじいていた時、耳の中でキンコンカンコンという 音が鳴ったのです。そして会社を辞めて、学校の非常勤の講師になりました。子供達にも っと向き合いたいと思っていたら、疎外されていた3人の女子の生徒が直訴してくれ、校 長によばれて教員になったらと助言されました。子供がつないでくれた 私を活かしてく れた夫に感謝ですし、切迫流産や子育ても大変でしたが、たくさんの先輩から指導をうけ すばらしい先生から学びたいという気持ちでいっぱいでした。 授業作りと行事を中心にした学校運営をしました。自分の命を守る安全教育です。先生 方もまとまって、つながって共有し学校全体で、組織体でいい集団をつくったと思います。 指導案から変えて子供が変わってくるのがわかります。保護者の意識改革も試み、子供を 大切に共に子育てし子供が生き生きとする居場所のある学校です。3.11の日は、訓練 通りやっただけやっただけです。日ごろから、先生も子供も真剣に訓練にとりくんでいま した。99.9%、大地震がくると予測していたので、安全指導をやってきました。日常 的に廊下を静かに歩き、朝会や集会ではすばやく並び、先生の言うことを聞く取り組みで す。退職まで3年という限りある中で、だんだんと時間をかけてやってきました。“桃花笑 春風”という言葉を3.11の集会で子供達に伝えました。これからつらいことがあるけ れども受け止めて生きるんだよと。子供を伸ばしたい、校長としてこういう学校を作ると いうビジョンを持って、いいものを作り出したい、心に灯をともす先生になりたいと思っ ていました。父の影響かもしれません。出会いとつながりを大事に、ぶつかってのりきっ た、33年間の教師生活は、子供達にたくさん教えてもらいました。子供達に感謝。一方 的でなくお互いに教えあったのです。いい授業は、自ら考え表現し、判断の力をつける授 業です。立ち止まって振り返りながら。 被災後、神戸へ転校した子供が、「上がれ!」と必死に守ってくれた先生のことを話して くれました。被災した学校の校舎を遺構として残したいです。3.11の日は、校庭で津 波のサイレンを聞きました。とっさの判断で、230人の子供達とすばやく高台へ避難し ました。地域の人も一緒に避難し、子供達に私たち大人も救われました。後で、バーナー で開けて、金庫の卒業証書を出しました。 震災の年に生まれた子供が小学1年生です。事実を語り、伝える使命をやり遂げたいで す。戦中、生き抜いた教員は、どんなに辛かったでしょう。強いですね。私たちは、自然 災害でも強く生き抜かなくては。
English Title
Ms. YS (a woman in her 60’s)
English Description
July 27, 2016 It’s important to have awareness of disaster prevention on a regular basis. It’s important to have a creative education with a focus on children after reviewing the old education system which encourages just memorizing. When I was young, I thought of becoming a teacher was too difficult for the task at hand. I respected teachers. After graduating collage, I worked for an accounting department of a company for a year and half. One day, when I was using an abacus, my ears heard ringing of a school bell. Then I quit my job and became a substitute teacher. When I wanted to get more involved with children, the school principal advised me to become a full time teacher. Three girls who were alienated in school directly appealed to the principal that I should have been a teacher. The children mediated my career. I appreciated my husband as a good partner supporting my work. While having a threatened miscarriage and raising a child were challenging, I was fully motivated to take on advices from many seniors and learn from great teachers. I ran the school with a focus on designing classes and events. It’s a safety education to protect own life. Teachers were united and communicated well, and I believe we made a good group of assembly with a whole school. When we changed the guidance plan, we could see that the children were changing as a result. This is a school that offers a place for children to be lively, while we tried to change the parents’ way of thinking as well in order to take care of the children together. On 3.11, we just followed a usual evacuation drill. Teachers and children were taking these routine drills quite seriously. We knew with certainty that a powerful earthquake was coming some day, so we had safety education. It’s an everyday effort to walk the hallway quietly, line up quickly at morning meetings and school assemblies and listen to what teachers have to say. I did this with the limited time of three years until my retirement but spent more and more time for this purpose. I passed on a Zen phrase “Cherry blossoms smile in the spring wind as in the past” to children at the meeting on 3.11 and told them that they had to accept the hardships and continue to live. I tried to become a teacher who creates good things and enlighten hearts with clear vision of bringing up utmost of the children and a desirable school as a school principal. I might have been influenced by my father. I treasured the encounter and relationship while overcoming the obstacles by accepting them. My 33 years of teaching was full of learning experiences from the children. I appreciated the children because our teachings were mutual. Good classes nurture the ability to make decisions by thinking and expressing, stopping and looking back. One child who moved to Kobe after the disaster told me about a teacher who shouted “Come up!” and desperately protected him. I want to preserve the school building that had been damaged as remains of the disaster. On 3.11, I heard Tsunami warning sirens in the schoolyard. With a split- second decision, I quickly evacuated to a higher ground with 230 children. Locals evacuated together, and we adults were also saved by the children. Later, we opened a safe that was at the school with a blowtorch and took out graduation diplomas that were stored there for the upcoming graduation ceremony. The children born in the year of the disaster are now the first graders at elementary school. I want to carry out my mission to tell and pass on the facts. I wonder how harrowing it was for the teachers who lived through the wars. They were tough, weren’t they? We also must survive natural disasters.
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