Ms. MB (a woman in her 60’s) M.Bさん 60代

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
August 10, 2016 It was a big shake, so I knew it was something unusual. But, I didn’t expect a Tsunami. I was working in the office. When I went to my car in a parking lot, there was a crow on the fence that wasn’t flying away. So I asked, “Is something going to happen?” I worried about my house in Ishinomaki and just drove following a car in front of me at 70 km/hour. In the city, people seemed carefree doing their cleaning after the earthquake or chatting. I went to a grocery store but there already was a long line. I saw the ocean from Hiyoriyama mountain. People were coming up to Hiyoriyama mountain chatting. I learned there was something unusual by listening to the radio reporting about Arahama. Radio was only reporting the news from Sendai. I lost myself when I heard the news that Onagawa was completely destroyed. I wanted to see it by myself as my husband was working there. I planned to stay up till 10 pm inside my car to stay warm, sleep in clothes then drive to Onagawa in the morning to pick up my husband. He was a school teacher there, and I wasn’t able to get a hold of him. I instantly knew that he wouldn’t be able to come home for a while because he had to take care of children after such a huge earthquake. The next day, a boat was up on the street blocking the way so that I couldn’t drive. I decided to walk to Onagawa. On the morning of 3/12, there was a soup kitchen in Tatemachi, and someone unknown called me in to eat. I was thankful. Someone I knew who had a sushi restaurant gave me rice cooked using propane gas. Neighbor shared rice also cooked using propane gas. In the morning of the 5th day, I was able to confirm that my husband was safe and I felt relieved knowing he was alive. I knew he, as a teacher would work for children and wouldn’t come home for a while. In the night of 3.11, the burning ocean was coming towards the mountain. I didn’t turn on the radio afraid of listening to biased news. A friend told me to watch out for the tsunami just the day before, but she was killed. I wondered if ruins of war would have looked like this. Everyone was walking in silence. I reunited with my husband after two weeks. I put him in a bath and cooked Tonjiru-soup for him. For a while, I concentrated on my work but was exhausted. I thought it would be nice to go to the ocean side in Akita and eat good fish. I’m a person who acts before thinking. I felt I would be ok as I was not the only one and everyone around me were also hit by the disaster. I heard from my husband later that he could see a black wall of water coming towards the land from the school that was standing on a hill. They evacuated the children to even higher ground. The teachers didn’t release children even their parents came to pick them up. Five disaster prevention radios were not usable. He told me that the disaster manual of Onagawa indicated that there would be a tsunami after an earthquake. I married young and came from a town far away, but the neighbors helped me when I asked for. Even after the disaster, having ordinary relationships with people helped me. It’s important to talk to each other, to open your heart. Nowadays, young people have trouble dealing with people. They lack relationships, but I wonder if that’s ok? I like people and I’m a type of person who takes the lead. I’m the commander of my family. I used to be negative and stayed away from people until my junior high school age but realized that it would be my loss if I had continued my attitude. I started to volunteer for the Red Cross and became a cheerful person in my high school days. I love caring for children. I feel I’m not a victim because my husband was safe and I have a job and a house. I feel guilty about these gifts. There are many volunteers working, I pass by strangers, and the town that I was familiar with now looks like a different place. Are we ok to be the victims who are just waiting to receive something with an open mouth? What’s recovery? There is a difference in attitude of people in Ishinomaki. It might be about time to stop, think and stand up to become self-sufficient. I picked up some Pacific Saury washed up to the land, carried them on my back to the mountain and cooked. I received fish cake and rice from others. I invited victims to my house and let them bathe and wash clothes. I’m not a type of person who thinks into the future. Living now is the most I can do. I’m happy if I’m satisfied for today while looking at the past and future. Each day is important with encounters and time. I have no worries. I know worrying won’t help or resolve anything. I read many books when I was little. My teacher took us to the mountain on a nice day when I was in elementary school. My home town had a tall mountain and I lived my life looking up the mountain. So, I think I can see something different by looking up. Now, I’m recovered and enjoy telling people what I want to pass on.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.424934923056, 141.30078792208
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
M.Bさん 60代
Japanese Description
2016年8月10日 大きな揺れで、ただごとでないと思ったけれど津波は予想していませんでした。会社で 働いていました。車の近くに行くと、フェンスに止まって逃げないカラスに、「何か起きる の?」と聞きました。石巻市内の家が心配で、ひたすら前の車について運転しました。7 0kmのスピードで。街では人がのんびり後片付けしたり、おしゃべりしていました。ス ーパーへ行ったけれど、すでに列。日和山から海を見ました。おしゃべりしながら、日和 山へ登って来る人。ラジオでの荒浜のニュースで、ただ事ではないとわかりました。ラジ オは仙台のニュースばかり。「女川全滅」のニュースに、放心。自分で確かめなくちゃと、 車の中で暖をとりつつ夜十時まで起きていて、それから服を着たまま寝て、朝になったら 夫を女川へ迎えに行こうと考えました。夫は小学校の教員で、連絡がつきませんでした。 こんな大きい地震だから児童達の世話で当分帰ってこないだろうと直感。次の日、市街に 船が上がっていて、歩けません。女川まで歩こうと決めました。3月12日の朝、立町で 炊き出しがあり、知らない人に「食べていけ」と言われ、ありがたかったです。知り合い のすし屋がプロパンで炊いたご飯をくれました。近所の人もプロパンで炊いたご飯を分け てくれました。5日目の朝、夫の無事を確認でき、生きていたので安心しほっとしました。 教員である夫は、これからしばらくは子供達のために仕事し、家には帰ってこないだろう と思いました。 3.11の夜は、火のついた海が山に迫って来ました。先入観はいけないのでラジオを つけませんでした。前の日、友人が津波に注意しようと言っていたばかりですが、その彼 女は亡くなりました。戦後の焼け跡ってこんな感じ?黙ってみんな歩いていました。2 週間 後に夫と再会。風呂に入れ豚汁を作って食べさせました。しばらく私は仕事に集中しまし たが、疲れ果てて、秋田の海に行って、魚を食べたいと思いました。 考えるよりまず先に実行する性格です。自分だけじゃなく周りも同じく被災したので、 なんとかなると思いました。後で夫から聞きましたが、学校のある高台から黒い壁の水が 見えたそうです。もっと上へ児童を移動させました。親が迎えにきても帰しませんでした。 5台の防災無線がだめ。女川のマニュアルには、地震があったら津波がくるとあるそうで す。私は若いころ遠方から嫁に来て、自分から求めると近所が助けてくれました。震災の 後も、普通の付き合いが助けてくれました。お互いの声掛けが大切です。心を開くこと。 今の若者は人とかかわるのが面倒、希薄な人つきあいなので、これでいいのでしょうか? 人が好き。私がやります!と手をあげるタイプです。家の司令塔。中学まで暗くて人に 近づかなかったのですが、これは損と気がつきました。赤十字のボランティアをはじめ高 校時代からは、はじける性格になりました。子供の世話が好きです。 夫も無事で、自分は仕事も家もあるので、被災者じゃないと思います。それが後ろめた い。たくさんのボランティアが活動し、知らない人達とすれ違い、慣れ親しんだ町が違う 場所みたい。口をあけて待っているだけの被災者でいいのでしょうか。復興って?石巻の 人の間でも温度差があります。立ち止まって考えつつ、そろそろ自立も考えなくてはいけ ないかもしれませんね。 流れついたサンマを背負い山をあがってきて、サンマを煮ました。かまぼこをもらった り、米を譲り受けました。被災した人達を自宅に招き、風呂に入ってもらったり、洗濯も してもらいました。先を考えるタイプじゃない。現在が精一杯。過去も未来も見つつ、今 日一日満足ならそれでいい。出会いや時間も、その日、その日が大きいです。悩むことが ないんです。悩んでもしかたないし解決しないから。子供のころ本をよく本を読みました。 小学校のころ、天気がいいので山へ行こうと先生が言いました。故郷は、高い山があり、 山を見上げる見る生活でしたから、上をむく視線で違うものが見えると思います。 今は、立ち直り人に伝えたいことを積極的に発信することが楽しいです。
English Title
Ms. MB (a woman in her 60’s)
English Description
August 10, 2016 It was a big shake, so I knew it was something unusual. But, I didn’t expect a Tsunami. I was working in the office. When I went to my car in a parking lot, there was a crow on the fence that wasn’t flying away. So I asked, “Is something going to happen?” I worried about my house in Ishinomaki and just drove following a car in front of me at 70 km/hour. In the city, people seemed carefree doing their cleaning after the earthquake or chatting. I went to a grocery store but there already was a long line. I saw the ocean from Hiyoriyama mountain. People were coming up to Hiyoriyama mountain chatting. I learned there was something unusual by listening to the radio reporting about Arahama. Radio was only reporting the news from Sendai. I lost myself when I heard the news that Onagawa was completely destroyed. I wanted to see it by myself as my husband was working there. I planned to stay up till 10 pm inside my car to stay warm, sleep in clothes then drive to Onagawa in the morning to pick up my husband. He was a school teacher there, and I wasn’t able to get a hold of him. I instantly knew that he wouldn’t be able to come home for a while because he had to take care of children after such a huge earthquake. The next day, a boat was up on the street blocking the way so that I couldn’t drive. I decided to walk to Onagawa. On the morning of 3/12, there was a soup kitchen in Tatemachi, and someone unknown called me in to eat. I was thankful. Someone I knew who had a sushi restaurant gave me rice cooked using propane gas. Neighbor shared rice also cooked using propane gas. In the morning of the 5th day, I was able to confirm that my husband was safe and I felt relieved knowing he was alive. I knew he, as a teacher would work for children and wouldn’t come home for a while. In the night of 3.11, the burning ocean was coming towards the mountain. I didn’t turn on the radio afraid of listening to biased news. A friend told me to watch out for the tsunami just the day before, but she was killed. I wondered if ruins of war would have looked like this. Everyone was walking in silence. I reunited with my husband after two weeks. I put him in a bath and cooked Tonjiru-soup for him. For a while, I concentrated on my work but was exhausted. I thought it would be nice to go to the ocean side in Akita and eat good fish. I’m a person who acts before thinking. I felt I would be ok as I was not the only one and everyone around me were also hit by the disaster. I heard from my husband later that he could see a black wall of water coming towards the land from the school that was standing on a hill. They evacuated the children to even higher ground. The teachers didn’t release children even their parents came to pick them up. Five disaster prevention radios were not usable. He told me that the disaster manual of Onagawa indicated that there would be a tsunami after an earthquake. I married young and came from a town far away, but the neighbors helped me when I asked for. Even after the disaster, having ordinary relationships with people helped me. It’s important to talk to each other, to open your heart. Nowadays, young people have trouble dealing with people. They lack relationships, but I wonder if that’s ok? I like people and I’m a type of person who takes the lead. I’m the commander of my family. I used to be negative and stayed away from people until my junior high school age but realized that it would be my loss if I had continued my attitude. I started to volunteer for the Red Cross and became a cheerful person in my high school days. I love caring for children. I feel I’m not a victim because my husband was safe and I have a job and a house. I feel guilty about these gifts. There are many volunteers working, I pass by strangers, and the town that I was familiar with now looks like a different place. Are we ok to be the victims who are just waiting to receive something with an open mouth? What’s recovery? There is a difference in attitude of people in Ishinomaki. It might be about time to stop, think and stand up to become self-sufficient. I picked up some Pacific Saury washed up to the land, carried them on my back to the mountain and cooked. I received fish cake and rice from others. I invited victims to my house and let them bathe and wash clothes. I’m not a type of person who thinks into the future. Living now is the most I can do. I’m happy if I’m satisfied for today while looking at the past and future. Each day is important with encounters and time. I have no worries. I know worrying won’t help or resolve anything. I read many books when I was little. My teacher took us to the mountain on a nice day when I was in elementary school. My home town had a tall mountain and I lived my life looking up the mountain. So, I think I can see something different by looking up. Now, I’m recovered and enjoy telling people what I want to pass on.
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