Six women (two women in their 60’s, three women in their 70’s and one in her 80’s) 6人(二人が60代、三人が70代、一人が80代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
August 22, 2016 I have been repairing the roof which had a hole caused by the Tsunami. It is dangerous to depend on electricity only. The life in old times was better. Now everything is so convenient and we have no knowledge to survive. We need to learn by experiencing it. For example, Hemp palms were planted in order to clean the water of the rice paddy and wells years ago. When 3.11 happened, old landline phones connected immediately. Current senior citizens learned the survival skills from playing outside. Sometimes they ditched school and went fishing at the ocean and found food in the mountains. There were neighbors who scolded other neighbors’ kids as if they were their own. When disaster happens, victims are all suffering so they can’t rely on other victims. So volunteers really helped us, like cleaning dirt. My house was on the hill so there was no damage. I took care of many evacuees in my house. I cleaned vegetables with snow. We used a portable stove, and a clay pot and an oil heater were useful. For a bathtub, we brought water from a nearby river. On the 4th day, fried tofu was delivered. On the 6th day, I went outside for the first time and learned that a person who returned home to recover jewelry was victimized while holding them. I would like to suggest that greeting neighbors, having a neighborhood field day, knowing who lives where, and also a list of evacuation spots would be good to do. When living in temporary housing, each community should be grouped together so that the community ties which have been built for many years wouldn’t be cut. Even being able to move into the temporary housing, some people passed away shortly after. I feel so fortunate that I didn’t get affected, but on the other hand I feel guilty for not being affected. For this reason, I gave away as many vegetables as possible. For people who lived in a house on the hill, there was no support materials provided. So, we appreciated very much that there was a store that quickly sold us diapers and milk for a 2-year old baby within 5 minutes of the earthquake. Despite my life was spared, it is still hard to live. One of my friends is still missing, and there is no body. My husband became ill at the age of 50. I have been thriving without his income since then. After the earthquake, the experience I had as a volunteer in the past had really helped me. An evacuation map is helpful to have when you’re at home, but it doesn’t help if you don’t even know where you are. We need to practice how to build a fire. Things like where to evacuate and how to save your own life is necessary to know. Being healthy is also important, trying not to be on a wheelchair or bedridden. We can't run away leaving a bedridden child behind. I was feeling at ease thinking the tsunami wouldn’t come this far. I’m lucky just to have a house. I made a fire with woods that I had collected to warm up. Insurance is also an important thing to have. There is a lower risk to die if you evacuate by yourself than two people. Now my reason for living is volunteering. I'm happy to receive support from overseas, too. Friends are important. Women have a role to protect their family. I feel my life was spared in order to save my family. Women have the nerves of steel and can stay calm, and first of all we ask question like “Did you eat food?” We stay calm and take action. I was able to live by being relied on by others using knowledge and patience. People can't live alone. I like to be with my husband even though he has been bedridden. Kitchen and cooking are important, and eating is most important. I am happy when someone greets me. Being optimistic is the way to overcome and move forward. I sometimes reward myself to be happy and take care of myself. If I have to live, I rather enjoy my life. Smiling makes my heart full. I am a widow and feel I was made to live with my strong luck. Do we need the coastal levee which is too high that we can’t see the ocean? I feel better sharing my experience with others. We can’t remove the ocean from Ishinomaki even it may bring tsunamis….. Ishinomaki without the ocean is not Ishinomaki. Making collage with pieces of color paper, dress making, cooking, socializing with friends, flower arrangement, playing with my 3-year old grandchild, karaoke and crafting with Chirimen fabric are what I live for. Being healthy is important. I don’t want to be a burden to my children. My schedule is full, and I have no time to think. I have to save money for my old age. There used to be moats where ships came in and Ishinomaki was surrounded by waterways. Do we need Olympics? Ishinomaki needs materials and labors to recover, but cost of labor and materials have been rising due to the preparations of the Olympics to be held in Japan in 2020. I oppose having the Olympics. Unplanned development of Ishinomaki is a waste of money. We can’t see the ocean because of the raised ground level and tide embankment. I think people won’t live this close to the ocean any more no matter what you do.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.424460958539, 141.29993598241
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Naomi Chiba
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
Japanese Description
津波の潮が上がった屋根に穴が開いていて、修理中です。オール電化は危険です。昔の 生活の方がいいと思います。今は、便利すぎて、生きる知恵がありません。危険を体でお ぼえる必要があるのではないでしょうか。シュロの木は昔、田んぼの水や井戸水をきれい にして漉して使うために植えていたらしいです。3.11の時、旧式の電話がすぐつなが りました。今の年寄りは、子供のころから自然の中で遊んで学び、サバイバル技術を習得 していました。子供のころは、学校をさぼって、海で拾った魚を食べたり山で食べ物を見 つけたりしました。近所には、怒るおじさんやおばさんもいました。 被災は、みんな同じだから誰にもすがれません。泥だしなど、ボランティアにはとても お世話になりました。 自分の家は高台で無事だったので、家に避難してきた大勢の人の世話をしました。野菜 は雪で汚れを落としました。卓上ボンベ、土鍋、反射式ストーブが役立ちました。風呂の 水は、川から水を汲みました。 4日目に油揚げが届き、6日目に初めて外にでました。自宅の宝石を取りに戻った人が 抱いたまま犠牲になったと聞きました。 近所の声がけや町内会の運動会をやったり、誰がどこに住んでいるかわかるよう心がけ たり避難所の名簿を作っておく方がいいです。地域ごとにまとまって仮設に住む必要があ ります。コミュニティの何十年ものつながりを切ってはいけないと思います。仮設に入っ て、すぐ葬式という人もいました。ほとんど被災しなかった自分は、なんて幸せなのかと 感じる反面、申し訳ない気分です。それで、ありったけの野菜を、ふるまいました。 高台の住宅は何も支援がありませんでした。二か月の赤ん坊のおむつやミルクを、地震 から5分の間で、すばやく売ってくれた店があり感謝しています。 命が助かったことも、大変なことで、一生せおっていくんですね。まだご遺体が上がっ ていない、みつかっていない知人がいます。50歳で夫が病気になり、収入がなくなり、 それから懸命に生きてきました。震災以降、前にやっていたボランティアの経験が役だち ました。避難マップは家にいれば役立つけれど、どこにいるかわからない状況です。火お こしなどの防災訓練が必要だし、どこに逃げるか考え、自分で身を守ること。そして健康 でいること。車椅子や寝たきりはだめ。寝たきりの子供を残して逃げるわけにはいかない。 ここまで津波はこないからと安心していました。家があるだけでいい。ひろってきた木 で薪のストーブを作りました。保険は大切。 とにかく油断せず逃げること。 一人だと逃げるけれど、二人だと死ぬ割合が大きい。 今は、ボランティアとの付き合いが生きがい。海外からも支援があって嬉しい。友達が大 切。女性は家の守る役割があります。守るために生かされたと思います。女性はきもが座 っていて、冷静になれます。女性は、まず「ごはん食べた?」と聞きました。落ち着いて から行動します。知恵とがまん、しなくちゃと思ったり、頼られることで、生きることが できました。一人では生きられません。寝たきりでも夫がいた方がいい。台所や料理が大 切で、食べることが一番重要です。声掛けが嬉しい。 物事を、いい方にとって、前に行くしかありません。どうせだったら楽しく、心は豊か に、自分を大切にして、ごほうびをあげたりします。目から笑顔になって、気持を豊かに したいです。 未亡人(一人以外)で、運が強く、生かされたと実感します。海が見れない防潮堤って、 必要でしょうか。体験談を吐き出すことで楽になります。海がある石巻は海はなくせない。 ちぎり絵、洋裁、料理、友達づきあい、生け花、孫(三歳)との会話、ちりめん細工、 カラオケなどが、生きがい。健康だけでいい。子供達に迷惑をかけないようにしたいです。 スケジュールいっぱいで、考えている暇がありません。老後のお金をためなくてはいけま せん。 昔は船が入ってきた堀があって。水路がめぐっていた石巻です。オリンピックって必要? 材料や労働者が石巻に必要で、人件費が高くなり、高騰する資材。復興に回してほしい。 オリンピックに反対。計画性のない、いきあたりばったり石巻の街づくりで、無駄なお金 を使う復興です。盛り土や防潮堤で、海が見えません。人が住まないのに。
English Title
Six women (two women in their 60’s, three women in their 70’s and one in her 80’s)
English Description
August 22, 2016 I have been repairing the roof which had a hole caused by the Tsunami. It is dangerous to depend on electricity only. The life in old times was better. Now everything is so convenient and we have no knowledge to survive. We need to learn by experiencing it. For example, Hemp palms were planted in order to clean the water of the rice paddy and wells years ago. When 3.11 happened, old landline phones connected immediately. Current senior citizens learned the survival skills from playing outside. Sometimes they ditched school and went fishing at the ocean and found food in the mountains. There were neighbors who scolded other neighbors’ kids as if they were their own. When disaster happens, victims are all suffering so they can’t rely on other victims. So volunteers really helped us, like cleaning dirt. My house was on the hill so there was no damage. I took care of many evacuees in my house. I cleaned vegetables with snow. We used a portable stove, and a clay pot and an oil heater were useful. For a bathtub, we brought water from a nearby river. On the 4th day, fried tofu was delivered. On the 6th day, I went outside for the first time and learned that a person who returned home to recover jewelry was victimized while holding them. I would like to suggest that greeting neighbors, having a neighborhood field day, knowing who lives where, and also a list of evacuation spots would be good to do. When living in temporary housing, each community should be grouped together so that the community ties which have been built for many years wouldn’t be cut. Even being able to move into the temporary housing, some people passed away shortly after. I feel so fortunate that I didn’t get affected, but on the other hand I feel guilty for not being affected. For this reason, I gave away as many vegetables as possible. For people who lived in a house on the hill, there was no support materials provided. So, we appreciated very much that there was a store that quickly sold us diapers and milk for a 2-year old baby within 5 minutes of the earthquake. Despite my life was spared, it is still hard to live. One of my friends is still missing, and there is no body. My husband became ill at the age of 50. I have been thriving without his income since then. After the earthquake, the experience I had as a volunteer in the past had really helped me. An evacuation map is helpful to have when you’re at home, but it doesn’t help if you don’t even know where you are. We need to practice how to build a fire. Things like where to evacuate and how to save your own life is necessary to know. Being healthy is also important, trying not to be on a wheelchair or bedridden. We can't run away leaving a bedridden child behind. I was feeling at ease thinking the tsunami wouldn’t come this far. I’m lucky just to have a house. I made a fire with woods that I had collected to warm up. Insurance is also an important thing to have. There is a lower risk to die if you evacuate by yourself than two people. Now my reason for living is volunteering. I'm happy to receive support from overseas, too. Friends are important. Women have a role to protect their family. I feel my life was spared in order to save my family. Women have the nerves of steel and can stay calm, and first of all we ask question like “Did you eat food?” We stay calm and take action. I was able to live by being relied on by others using knowledge and patience. People can't live alone. I like to be with my husband even though he has been bedridden. Kitchen and cooking are important, and eating is most important. I am happy when someone greets me. Being optimistic is the way to overcome and move forward. I sometimes reward myself to be happy and take care of myself. If I have to live, I rather enjoy my life. Smiling makes my heart full. I am a widow and feel I was made to live with my strong luck. Do we need the coastal levee which is too high that we can’t see the ocean? I feel better sharing my experience with others. We can’t remove the ocean from Ishinomaki even it may bring tsunamis….. Ishinomaki without the ocean is not Ishinomaki. Making collage with pieces of color paper, dress making, cooking, socializing with friends, flower arrangement, playing with my 3-year old grandchild, karaoke and crafting with Chirimen fabric are what I live for. Being healthy is important. I don’t want to be a burden to my children. My schedule is full, and I have no time to think. I have to save money for my old age. There used to be moats where ships came in and Ishinomaki was surrounded by waterways. Do we need Olympics? Ishinomaki needs materials and labors to recover, but cost of labor and materials have been rising due to the preparations of the Olympics to be held in Japan in 2020. I oppose having the Olympics. Unplanned development of Ishinomaki is a waste of money. We can’t see the ocean because of the raised ground level and tide embankment. I think people won’t live this close to the ocean any more no matter what you do.
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