In Japan, it was found that 20-30% of people avoid purchasing agricultural products produced in Fukushima Prefecture in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of March 2011. Conversely, many people state that they usually do not pay attention to where a product comes from while they are shopping. The reason this many people are still fearful of contaminated agricultural products from Fukushima Prefecture is that they are not familiar with the system for food inspection and its results. People are generally not knowledgeable about the process of monitoring agricultural products for radioactive substances, which involves testing all volume and all bags of rice in Fukushima Prefecture. It is the goal of public relations to make sure information about the inspection system and its results are properly publicized in order to reduce anxiety among the public over the safety of these agricultural products.
現在,「風評被害」といわれるものが福島県をはじめ東北地方の復興の大きな課題になっている.風評被害とは,もともと原子力分野において,放射性物質による汚 染がない状況で食品・土地が忌避されることとして問題となってきた.ある社会問題(事件・事故・環境汚染・災害・不況)が報道されることによって,本来「安全」とされるもの(食品・商品・土地・企業)を人々が危険視し,消費,観光,取引をやめることなどによって引き起こされる経済的被害を指す
In Japan, it was found that 20-30% of people avoid purchasing agricultural products produced in Fukushima Prefecture in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of March 2011. Conversely, many people state that they usually do not pay attention to where a product comes from while they are shopping. The reason this many people are still fearful of contaminated agricultural products from Fukushima Prefecture is that they are not familiar with the system for food inspection and its results. People are generally not knowledgeable about the process of monitoring agricultural products for radioactive substances, which involves testing all volume and all bags of rice in Fukushima Prefecture. It is the goal of public relations to make sure information about the inspection system and its results are properly publicized in order to reduce anxiety among the public over the safety of these agricultural products.