Chapter 8 of Miyagi Prefecture (2015), The Great East Japan Earthquake: A Record and Review of Miyagi Prefecture's Disaster Response in the First Year after the Disaster. The report summarizes 46 lessons learned in 13 areas. The full report can be found at the following website.
宮城県(2015)『東日本大震災-宮城県の発災後1年間の災害対応の記録とその検証-』の第8章。 13の分野について46の教訓を取りまとめた。 報告書の全文は以下のサイトで見ることができる。
Chapter 8 of Miyagi Prefecture (2015), The Great East Japan Earthquake: A Record and Review of Miyagi Prefecture's Disaster Response in the First Year after the Disaster. The report summarizes 46 lessons learned in 13 areas. The full report can be found at the following website.