The Japan Disaster Relief Fund was created by JAA in response to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake to raise funds in the US to support local authorities, the Japanese Red Cross Society, and NGOs operating in the disaster area. On June 18, JAA and former Lotte manager Bobby Valentine sponsored the event ”Stamford on the Sound” in Washington DC, a food and wine extravaganza with all proceeds going to the Japan Disaster Relief fund.
The Japan Disaster Relief Fund was created by JAA in response to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake to raise funds in the US to support local authorities, the Japanese Red Cross Society, and NGOs operating in the disaster area. On June 18, JAA and former Lotte manager Bobby Valentine sponsored the event ”Stamford on the Sound” in Washington DC, a food and wine extravaganza with all proceeds going to the Japan Disaster Relief fund.