Thomas Hanna Testimonial

Submitted by SJP-STEAM on
Item Description
My name is Thomas Hanna and what I researched about during the 2011 disaster was the Humanitarian Aid that Japan received. The most impactful thing that i found out while doing my research was that even though Japan was a developed country many other developed countries had put money towards helping Japan recover from the disaster. Something that I really question is why Japan was not prepared for a disaster this large and how to respond to it without aid from other countries. I also want to know if there was more aid provided by other countries then was published by the media. Something that I will take away from this project is that even the most develped and peaceful countries still need aid from there allies to be able to fully revoke respect from a disaster. This is another example of how todays society can lead to a more peaceful and humble time when we work together and help each other.
Translation Approval
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Media Creator Username
Thomas Hanna
Media Creator Realname
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Place of Residence
Boston, MA
Year Of Birth
Media Date Create
English Title
Thomas Hanna Testimonial
English Description
My name is Thomas Hanna and what I researched about during the 2011 disaster was the Humanitarian Aid that Japan received. The most impactful thing that i found out while doing my research was that even though Japan was a developed country many other developed countries had put money towards helping Japan recover from the disaster. Something that I really question is why Japan was not prepared for a disaster this large and how to respond to it without aid from other countries. I also want to know if there was more aid provided by other countries then was published by the media. Something that I will take away from this project is that even the most develped and peaceful countries still need aid from there allies to be able to fully revoke respect from a disaster. This is another example of how todays society can lead to a more peaceful and humble time when we work together and help each other.
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