Ms. JI (a woman in her 50’s) J.Iさん(50代)
Item Description
October 1, 2014
I am more interested in the earth as a whole than humans. On March 11, when the disaster hit, I thought to myself that I was not ready to die, yet. I had to focus on saving myself first then others. It’s so important to have family. You need to believe in your senses and be intuitive and reactive. When I experienced Chilean Earthquake at Nakase, Ishinomaki, I realized that whether having training and education or not can determine your life and death in a split second in a situation like that. I witnessed how women can exhibit superhuman power in an emergency. I climbed over a wall that was 1.5 meter high when the Tsunami came after me. At the instant I saw the huge tide, I thought my life was at stake. Knowing intuitively the situation was serious, I told my car that I was driving “Thank you for the service” and left it there and escaped to the upstairs of a stranger’s house. A man who was standing on the roof of a condominium building saw me and shouted “stay there”. The owner of the house I escaped to, was also trying to find a better place to take refuge. The same man in the condominium invited us into the building and we were saved. It was a perfect timing. Two days later, I crossed the railroad track and headed back to my home. On the way, I exchanged information with the people that I passed by. I thought the entire Ishinomaki had been gone.
I felt like I was saved by an invisible forth. I passed my food first to the elderly. The people who lived on a hill opened their homes for refugees. My family members were safe so I thought I need to focus on my workplace first. Women were flexible and prioritized matters need to be attended. Most of my coworkers were women and they improvised and took care of the details using their life skills. They were sanitarily conscious and for an example, came up an idea to use the swimming pool water to flush the toilets. I also cooked meals for the victims at a local school kitchen; using propane gas; asked for vegetable donation from the local farmers and self-defense force crews who were there for relief mission; as well as checking the whereabouts of students (a week after the disaster).
I volunteered to handle the task of accepting and managing a number of victims who escaped from the destroyed area including the patients from Japan Red Cross Hospital. I was disappointed in the local township government office for its inefficiency. Two things were important to me then, I first wanted to protect myself, and secondly, I wanted to share the food with the co-workers who lost homes. My focus was to find what I could do to help making things better. I want to enjoy working in my area of expertise. In 2011, to accommodate the demand in the area, I established an NPO which provides a space for children with mental disabilities and autism to learn art. Each student draws different pictures. I get comforted by looking at them. I live my own life, not just copying others. I love the universe, the sky, and living matters. The universe created humans. We maybe are the dewdrops of the universe. I want to fly freely.
I have been drawing six-year-old girls. I feel your whole persona is determined during the period from the moment you are born before you turn six years old. I think you are going back to the beginning when you die. When I was a child, I was quiet and didn’t talk at all. I was watching other children from an adult perspective thinking they were all childish and noisy. I have a strong desire to draw now. It recently came to me that “I was born to draw six-years-olds, that’s it!” When I was still not sure about my decision, I took a trip to Hawaii by myself. When I bathed in the abundances of sunshine from the sky, it assured me that I was doing what was right for myself. Having disability is not an unfortunate thing. I value the importance of family and being happy together. You must love yourself. In 2014, I came to many intuitions. Unhappiness in people doesn’t mean to lose things or to die. It is when the negative aspect of human being surfaces, such as betrayal, abandonment, or loneliness without having a warm family. People may feel like giving up in the situation like that. When you try to be a person who are needed by others and live your life truthfully, good things would happen eventually. Under the candle light, the family members came together in one room after being separated with the chaos and felt each other’s warmth. It’s warm to be together. All we need is to stay together. We quartered an orange and shared. I called it happiness. I want to devote myself in drawing for the rest of my life and draw 1,000 pictures before I die. I have full of themes and insights.
Translation Approval
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38.423762973889, 141.29904998825
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
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Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
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Japanese Title
Japanese Description
地球全体に関心があります。人間じゃなくて。3.11の時、今、死ねないと思いま した。自分の命を守らなくちゃと。まず自分の命それから次。家族がいることが大切。 感をたよって、直感、反射の力が大切です。チリ地震を体験(中瀬で)し、教育と訓 練でほんのわずかの差で決まると思います。火事場の馬鹿力のように女性は強いです。 津波がきて、1.5mの塀を乗り越えました。津波を見た時、あっ、死ぬなと思った のです。命が危ないと直感。乗っていた車に「ありがとう」と言って、知らない人の 家の二階へ避難。マンションの上から男の人が「そこにいろ」と叫んでくれました。 家の人が避難してどこかへ逃げようとしていましたが、その住人が「入らいん」と招 き入れてくれました。タイミングがよかった。13日、線路を渡って帰り、すれ違う 人と情報交換。石巻は全滅かと思いました。
見えない力に助けられた気もします。食べ物は高齢者へ渡しました。丘の人達は被災 者を泊めていました。自分の家族は無事なので、職場優先だと思いました。女性は臨 機応変、優先順位をつけました。職場は女性が多かったので、生活の知恵を活かし、 細かい所に気がつき、衛生面、プールの水でトイレなど工夫しました。支援学校で食 事作り(プロパン、調理室)。近くの農家や自衛隊から野菜をいただく。生徒の安否 確認(一週間後)。
被災者が避難してきたので対応、運営。日赤の患者も。市役所の管理者が役に立たな かったです。自分を守ることと、家を失った同僚に食べものをあげたいと思いました。 自分にできることは何か、自分の好きな分野で楽しい事をしたいです。ニーズがあり、 2011年に NPO を設立し、知的障害者や自閉症の子供のための空間を作りました。 みんな違う絵を描いています。見ることで自分も癒されました。みんながやっている からとの理由じゃありません。宇宙、空、生命が好き。人間を作ったのは宇宙。人間 は宇宙のしずくかも。自由に飛びたいです。
6歳の女の子を描き続ける自分。生まれた瞬間から6歳までに、すべての自分がそこ にあると感じます。死ぬ時、原点に戻る気がします。無口な子供時代。しゃべらない。 大人の視点で同年代の子を見て、うるさい幼い子供達だなぁと観察していました。今、 「描きたい」と思います。最近、「6歳を描くために生まれたんだ、これだ!」とス トンときました。自分を肯定するのが難しくて悩んでいた時、ハワイに一人旅をしま した。空からこぼれる光が、「これでいいんだ」と言ってくれました。
障害は不幸ではありません。家族が大切、一緒にいる幸せが大事。自分を肯定するこ とも。2014年、いろんなひらめきがありました。不幸は物を失う事じゃなく、死 ぬことでもなく、人間の負の部分が出た時、たとえば裏切り、周囲の支えが無い時、 温かい家族がない時で、そういう時に人はくじけるのかもしれません。必要とされる 人間になり、生きていればいい事があります。ロウソクで集まり、一つの部屋で眠り、 バラバラだった家族が一緒になったあたたかい雰囲気。みんなが集まると温かい。み んなでいればいい。物じゃない。ミカンを4つに切って嬉しかったです。残りの人生 を絵にかけ、死ぬまで1000枚描きたいです。あふれるテーマとひらめき。
English Title
Ms. JI (a woman in her 50’s)
English Description
October 1, 2014
I am more interested in the earth as a whole than humans. On March 11, when the disaster hit, I thought to myself that I was not ready to die, yet. I had to focus on saving myself first then others. It’s so important to have family. You need to believe in your senses and be intuitive and reactive. When I experienced Chilean Earthquake at Nakase, Ishinomaki, I realized that whether having training and education or not can determine your life and death in a split second in a situation like that. I witnessed how women can exhibit superhuman power in an emergency. I climbed over a wall that was 1.5 meter high when the Tsunami came after me. At the instant I saw the huge tide, I thought my life was at stake. Knowing intuitively the situation was serious, I told my car that I was driving “Thank you for the service” and left it there and escaped to the upstairs of a stranger’s house. A man who was standing on the roof of a condominium building saw me and shouted “stay there”. The owner of the house I escaped to, was also trying to find a better place to take refuge. The same man in the condominium invited us into the building and we were saved. It was a perfect timing. Two days later, I crossed the railroad track and headed back to my home. On the way, I exchanged information with the people that I passed by. I thought the entire Ishinomaki had been gone.
I felt like I was saved by an invisible forth. I passed my food first to the elderly. The people who lived on a hill opened their homes for refugees. My family members were safe so I thought I need to focus on my workplace first. Women were flexible and prioritized matters need to be attended. Most of my coworkers were women and they improvised and took care of the details using their life skills. They were sanitarily conscious and for an example, came up an idea to use the swimming pool water to flush the toilets. I also cooked meals for the victims at a local school kitchen; using propane gas; asked for vegetable donation from the local farmers and self-defense force crews who were there for relief mission; as well as checking the whereabouts of students (a week after the disaster).
I volunteered to handle the task of accepting and managing a number of victims who escaped from the destroyed area including the patients from Japan Red Cross Hospital. I was disappointed in the local township government office for its inefficiency. Two things were important to me then, I first wanted to protect myself, and secondly, I wanted to share the food with the co-workers who lost homes. My focus was to find what I could do to help making things better. I want to enjoy working in my area of expertise. In 2011, to accommodate the demand in the area, I established an NPO which provides a space for children with mental disabilities and autism to learn art. Each student draws different pictures. I get comforted by looking at them. I live my own life, not just copying others. I love the universe, the sky, and living matters. The universe created humans. We maybe are the dewdrops of the universe. I want to fly freely.
I have been drawing six-year-old girls. I feel your whole persona is determined during the period from the moment you are born before you turn six years old. I think you are going back to the beginning when you die. When I was a child, I was quiet and didn’t talk at all. I was watching other children from an adult perspective thinking they were all childish and noisy. I have a strong desire to draw now. It recently came to me that “I was born to draw six-years-olds, that’s it!” When I was still not sure about my decision, I took a trip to Hawaii by myself. When I bathed in the abundances of sunshine from the sky, it assured me that I was doing what was right for myself. Having disability is not an unfortunate thing. I value the importance of family and being happy together. You must love yourself. In 2014, I came to many intuitions. Unhappiness in people doesn’t mean to lose things or to die. It is when the negative aspect of human being surfaces, such as betrayal, abandonment, or loneliness without having a warm family. People may feel like giving up in the situation like that. When you try to be a person who are needed by others and live your life truthfully, good things would happen eventually. Under the candle light, the family members came together in one room after being separated with the chaos and felt each other’s warmth. It’s warm to be together. All we need is to stay together. We quartered an orange and shared. I called it happiness. I want to devote myself in drawing for the rest of my life and draw 1,000 pictures before I die. I have full of themes and insights.
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