Ms. PO (a woman in her 30’s) P.Oさん (30代)
Item Description
February 28, 2015
I had left my house to go to the flower arrangement class on the day of March 11, but I realized I had left something and returned home. On the way, the Tsunami came, and I escaped to the hillside where my sister lived and stayed there for a few days. It was like a miracle and I felt I was protected by something unknown. I was able to live without any troubles at my sister’s house as it was equipped with a propane tank and an old oil stove for cooking and heating. My parents had always told me to escape to my sister’s in case of Tsunami, which prepared me to protect myself at a time of emergency. I feel that my ancestors are protecting me, and I am thankful for that. Every day I tell myself, “I cannot do anything unethical as the Sun God is watching me”. I am thankful for my life. I distributed cosmetic soaps to the victims as my contribution.
After the disaster, I moved to Sendai City as I’ve always wanted to work in the beauty field. It was a great opportunity for me to start a new life and take the first step towards living my dream. I had made up my mind to be independent working in the beauty industry. My life living on my own for the first time working at a beauty salon had started. People in Sendai viewed the disaster differently than the people in Ishinomaki. My beloved hometown, Ishinomaki. I’ve always worried about people back there and wanted to do something to help them and to be of some use to them. After working at the salon for two and a half years, I finally realized my life dream to own my own salon. I want to support others as much as I am able by offering a healing space and hospitality. The ability to do what I want to now could not have been possible without all the support I received from others. I believe when women become more attractive, that would encourage men as a result, thus contributing to the society as a whole. It gives great flexibility and ease to work in my own salon that helps me balance raising children and house work economically and emotionally.
I believe it is important for us to keep following the dream by always being on the lookout for new information. I learned that meeting with people and human relationships are more important than physical goods. You cannot live alone and there are things that money cannot buy. I lost my friend to an illness which made me think about life in. There are people who were not ready to die. I am thankful for my health and my wellbeing. Four and half year later, I still have anxiety about another Tsunami. I want to take care of myself and be happy and spread the happiness to others. I hope the smile is passed on to others, as well.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.431781433645, 141.30347199121
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
P.Oさん (30代)
Japanese Description
3.11の日は、お花の稽古に行きましたが、駐車場で忘れ物をしたことに気づき家 に戻りました。途中で被災。妹の住む高台に逃げ、しばらく泊めてもらいました。守 られている奇跡を感ました。妹の家はプロパンガスで旧式の石油ストーブもあり、生 活に困りませんでした。津波があったら、妹のいる高台へ逃げると両親からいつも言 われていたので、命を守る意識が高かったのでしょう。先祖に守られているように感 謝しています。「お天道様がみているから悪い事はできない」と、日ごろ思っていま す。命に感謝。化粧品の石けんを支援として配布しました。
以前から美容の仕事がしたいと思っていたので、震災後、仙台へ行きました。いい機 会で、新しい生活のきっかけとなりました。美容で自立しようと、夢へ一歩を踏み出 すことができました。初めての一人暮らしと美容サロンの仕事が始まりました。震災 に対する仙台と石巻の人々の温度差がありました。大好きな故郷、石巻がいつも心配 でした。 何かしたい、役にたちたいと思いました。2年半のサロンでの経験を積ん だ今、自分の美容サロンを開き潜在的な夢が実現しました。癒しの空間とおもてなし の心で、自分ができることで誰かを支えたいです。みんなのサポートを受け周りに助 けられながら、やりたいことをやれる今です。女性がきれいなると男性も元気になり、 社会がよくなって社会貢献するような気もします。自分のサロンを経営することは働 きやすく、経済的精神的に育児、家事の両立ができます。
アンテナをはって夢を持って思い続けることが大切です。物じゃなく人のつながりや 出会いが大事だとわかりました。一人では生きていけません。お金に変えられない何 かがあります。親友が病気で亡くなり、命について考えています。もっと生きたかっ た人がいるのです。健康で元気なことに感謝しています。4年後の今も、津波が心配 で、気持ちが不安定になることがあります。まず自分をいたわり、満たして、そして 他人に幸せをおすそわけできればと願います。ニコニコの笑顔が循環するといいです ね。
English Title
Ms. PO (a woman in her 30’s)
English Description
February 28, 2015
I had left my house to go to the flower arrangement class on the day of March 11, but I realized I had left something and returned home. On the way, the Tsunami came, and I escaped to the hillside where my sister lived and stayed there for a few days. It was like a miracle and I felt I was protected by something unknown. I was able to live without any troubles at my sister’s house as it was equipped with a propane tank and an old oil stove for cooking and heating. My parents had always told me to escape to my sister’s in case of Tsunami, which prepared me to protect myself at a time of emergency. I feel that my ancestors are protecting me, and I am thankful for that. Every day I tell myself, “I cannot do anything unethical as the Sun God is watching me”. I am thankful for my life. I distributed cosmetic soaps to the victims as my contribution.
After the disaster, I moved to Sendai City as I’ve always wanted to work in the beauty field. It was a great opportunity for me to start a new life and take the first step towards living my dream. I had made up my mind to be independent working in the beauty industry. My life living on my own for the first time working at a beauty salon had started. People in Sendai viewed the disaster differently than the people in Ishinomaki. My beloved hometown, Ishinomaki. I’ve always worried about people back there and wanted to do something to help them and to be of some use to them. After working at the salon for two and a half years, I finally realized my life dream to own my own salon. I want to support others as much as I am able by offering a healing space and hospitality. The ability to do what I want to now could not have been possible without all the support I received from others. I believe when women become more attractive, that would encourage men as a result, thus contributing to the society as a whole. It gives great flexibility and ease to work in my own salon that helps me balance raising children and house work economically and emotionally.
I believe it is important for us to keep following the dream by always being on the lookout for new information. I learned that meeting with people and human relationships are more important than physical goods. You cannot live alone and there are things that money cannot buy. I lost my friend to an illness which made me think about life in. There are people who were not ready to die. I am thankful for my health and my wellbeing. Four and half year later, I still have anxiety about another Tsunami. I want to take care of myself and be happy and spread the happiness to others. I hope the smile is passed on to others, as well.
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