Ms. C (a woman in her 50’s) C さん (50代)

Ms. C (a woman in her 50’s) C さん (50代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
Sat, February 6, 2016 I lost my third-grade son for Tsunami. I later heard that kids were saying, “Let’s escape to the mountain”. The children were always told to make your own individual decisions, but those who just waited for the teachers to give instructions, 74 students died due to Tsunami. Those kids were raised to listen to the teachers and parents. The children simply trusted and listened to the grownups. I hope the children will learn from this lesson. I do not really wish to have the site remained as a Tsunami devastated area but I would rather have the kids to learn from the site and the experiences. My son must have wished his parents came to pick him up like other parents. How come his mother did not come to pick him up? I regret that I did not go to pick him up. However, I thought that school was the safest place for kids. Somehow, I simply believed that the kids are the safest at school. After his death, I found a bag of flower seeds in the back of his desk drawer. It was the seeds of the morning glory. The bag of the seeds said, “To the future me”. He liked baseball, so he may have wanted to become a baseball player. He may have wanted to plant the seeds and grow the morning glory. After 3.11, I did not even notice the season changed and the cherry blossoms blooming. I can no longer go to the big shopping malls because I always remember my son. It is extremely difficult for me to see kids in the same age as my son. When I go to the shopping mall in the evening on weekdays, I still see kids in the same age. I cannot go to the game stores and book stores where I used to take my son to. He would have been a 9th grade student. A boy with whom my son used to play baseball, was picked up by his parents in time and he survived. I know it is not him but I just cannot stand seeing him or hearing his voice playing. After 3.11, I went to look for my son everywhere but could not find him. I thought he was washed away to the open ocean. I was almost giving up to find him and then I heard his classmate was found in Dejima. So, I had a hope to find him. Then I found him in a rice field on April 2. He was wearing helmet and clothes. His clothes were not torn. He did not have a scratch in his face or body. The helmet band was tightened around his jaw and his skin was red. He had lost only his left shoe. He was drawn to death. He was wrapped in a vinyl and transferred by the refrigerator car. It still hurts me to see the refrigerator cars. At that time, the crematory was not in operation, so my husband drove our son’s body to a crematory in Fukushima by car. Even before 3.11, I was too scared to watch violent scenes in the TV shows but I visited the morgues to view the damaged corpse, tried finding my son based on the height. I checked the paddy farm and the beach back and forth. About 50% of the bodies were not damaged but those bodies found in the mountain, school building and the shrine had some damages. My son and his friend he used to play games with were found on the same day. My son and her body were laid in the morgues next to each other. My husband’s father passed away last year. He was older and we knew the time was coming. However, we just could not accept the fact that our child died. He was totally fine in the morning, we had meals at the same table and next each other. I totally believed that the school was the safest place, teachers are there to help and they were at the mountain side. He was taking a bus so he could have escaped with the bus. I heard that grandparents were washed away while they were waiting for their grandchildren coming back with the school bus at the bus stop. Something different could have been done. Why were the children waiting for 50 minutes at the school field without thinking about Tsunami? I will carry this guilt for the rest of my life. If we did not have a child from the first place, it would have been different. How could we lose a child after giving a birth? A nearby junior high school was closed in March, 2016. At the closing ceremony, they said “due to the decreased number of the children” but do you wonder why the number of the children was decreased? The children who were supposed to enter the school were lost in Tsunami. I am afraid that people would forget what happened. Those children wanted to do a lot of things. I feel the same though years pass by. I actually feel worse. When my co-workers talk about their children growing up such as entering and graduating the junior and high schools and colleges, I pretend I did not hear them. Those children who attended schools by the beach survived. You should take good care of your own life. My husband got cancer and said “I don’t mind dying. I want to see my son”. The supporting group with those who lost their children are helping me. Since the disaster, my husband and I have been arguing all the time. When I start crying to watch TV, he gets mad as he is sick of seeing me crying. He says I should calm. In old times, our child was a cushion between my husband and me. I cannot stand watching the TV on kids bullying. I feel the gap between the families that lost all children and the families that have at least one surviving child. I own a rice field, but I am having other people managing it. What’s the point to take care of the rice field that was supposed to be succeeded by our son, whom we lost. Now I am enjoying the gardening. I would like to grow flowers to place for our family Buddhist alter.
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38.429166094878, 141.30309991716
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
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One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
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Japanese Title
C さん (50代)
Japanese Description
2016年2月6日(土) 海辺の小学校にいた当時3年生だった息子を、津波で失いました。”山さ逃げっぺ!”と 言った子供達がいたと証言した人がいます。いつも自主性を大切にと言っているのに、先 生の言うことをじっと守って聞いていた74人の子供達が波にのまれて犠牲になりました。 10人の先生達も犠牲になりました。「先生の言う事をよく聞いて」という保護者や教師の 言葉を守った子供達。先生を信じていた子供達です。先生の言う事を聞けと息子に言って いた自分は間違っていたのでしょうか。これから、あの場所で学ぶべきです。本当は校舎 は震災遺構として残してほしくないけれど、学ぶ場所にしてほしいです。 迎えに来てもらった子供達を見て、息子はうらやましかったでしょう。なんでお母さん は迎えにこないのかと思ったでしょう。迎えに行かなかったことを後悔しています。でも 学校が安全だと信じ切っていたんです。学校にいれば安全と思って。 息子の死後、学習机の一番上の引き出しの奥から、花の種が入った袋を見つけました。 小学一年生の時に育てたあさがおの種でした。当時、おばあさんや床屋さん等5人にあげ ていました。袋には「未来の自分へ」と書かれていました。野球が好きだったから、何か そんな夢でもあたったのかもしれません。大きくなったら植えて咲かせようと思ったのか もしれません。3.11の後、桜が咲いているのもわからず生きていました。子供との思 い出を思い出すから大型ショッピングモールには行けません。同じ年齢の子供を見るのが 辛い。平日の時間とか夕方行くけど、やっぱりいる子供達。ゲーム店や本屋に行った思い 出など一緒に連れていった場所へ行けない。今度中学3年生になるはずでした。迎えに来 てもらって助かった子供の中に、一緒に野球をした子供がいます。子供が悪いわけじゃな いけど、会いたくないし、むこうで遊んでいる声がするのが耐えらません。 3.11の後、息子をどんなに探しても見つからないので遠く外洋へ流されたかと諦め ていました。そんな時、出島の海で同級生の子供が見つかり、息子も見つかるかもしれな いと期待しました。4月2日、やっと田んぼで見つかりました。ヘルメットをかぶり衣服 も着ていて破れていなかったです。傷もない顔、きれいな体。ヘルメットの顎のバンドが くいこんで赤くなっていました。左の靴だけ脱げていました。溺死という死因です。ビニ ールに包まれて保冷車に乗せられました。今でもこの車をみると辛いです。当時、火葬場 がないので、夫が子供の遺体を乗せて福島の火葬場まで行きました。3.11の前もそう ですが、TV で手術や暴力のシーンが嫌で見ていられない自分が、安置所の凄い遺体を見て 回って、身長何センチとかをたよりに安置所をあちこち探し回り、田んぼや海も往復しま した。5割の子供達の体はきれいですが、山に打ち上げられたり、校舎で渦の中にいたり、 神社に打ち上げられた子供達には傷があります。息子はゲーム仲間の友達と同じ日に見つ かり、安置所でも、その女の子と並んでいました。 夫の父親が震災の前年に亡くなりました。高齢だし覚悟ができていたから諦めもつきま すが、まさか子供が死ぬなんて。朝まで元気で、このこたつの横で一緒にご飯を食べて話 していたんですよ。学校が安全だって疑わず、先生もいるし山もあるし。バス通学だから バスで逃げれればよかったのに。おじいさん、おばあさんが、バス停で孫のスクールバス を待っていて犠牲になったケースもあると聞きました。何かができたはず。津波への予見 なしで、なぜ逃げずに50分も校庭にいるの? 私は一生背負っていきます。初めから子 供がいない夫婦ならわかりますが、子供を産んで育てたのに失くすなんて! 近くの中学校が2016年3月で閉校になりました。その閉校式でのあいさつに「児童 の数が減少したから・・」とありましたが、なんで減ったのか考えてほしい。入学する児 童が津波で失くなったのですよ。なかったことになるのが怖い。子供はしたかったことが いっぱいあったにちがいありません。私の気持ちは何年経とうと同じです。むしろ辛くな っています。他の子供の成長について(中学、高校、大学へ進学、入学、卒業等)、職場で の会話は聞こえないふりをしています。海に近い他の学校の子供達は助かっています。命 を大切に行動すべきです。夫はあれから癌になり、「死んでもいい、息子のところへ行く」 と言いました。 同じく子供を亡くしたご遺族との交流が支えです。あれから夫婦でけんかばかりで、TV を見て泣くと夫がまた泣くのかと怒るんです。冷静になれと。昔は夫との間で、子供がク ッションになっていました。いじめの TV は許せません。一人でも子供が残っている遺族と 全部失くした遺族のギャップを感じます。 田んぼを所有していますが、他の人にまかせました。継ぐ子供がいないのに守ってどう するのでしょう。 今は、畑や庭作りが好きで、花を育てて仏壇に供えたいです。
English Title
Ms. C (a woman in her 50’s)
English Description
Sat, February 6, 2016 I lost my third-grade son for Tsunami. I later heard that kids were saying, “Let’s escape to the mountain”. The children were always told to make your own individual decisions, but those who just waited for the teachers to give instructions, 74 students died due to Tsunami. Those kids were raised to listen to the teachers and parents. The children simply trusted and listened to the grownups. I hope the children will learn from this lesson. I do not really wish to have the site remained as a Tsunami devastated area but I would rather have the kids to learn from the site and the experiences. My son must have wished his parents came to pick him up like other parents. How come his mother did not come to pick him up? I regret that I did not go to pick him up. However, I thought that school was the safest place for kids. Somehow, I simply believed that the kids are the safest at school. After his death, I found a bag of flower seeds in the back of his desk drawer. It was the seeds of the morning glory. The bag of the seeds said, “To the future me”. He liked baseball, so he may have wanted to become a baseball player. He may have wanted to plant the seeds and grow the morning glory. After 3.11, I did not even notice the season changed and the cherry blossoms blooming. I can no longer go to the big shopping malls because I always remember my son. It is extremely difficult for me to see kids in the same age as my son. When I go to the shopping mall in the evening on weekdays, I still see kids in the same age. I cannot go to the game stores and book stores where I used to take my son to. He would have been a 9th grade student. A boy with whom my son used to play baseball, was picked up by his parents in time and he survived. I know it is not him but I just cannot stand seeing him or hearing his voice playing. After 3.11, I went to look for my son everywhere but could not find him. I thought he was washed away to the open ocean. I was almost giving up to find him and then I heard his classmate was found in Dejima. So, I had a hope to find him. Then I found him in a rice field on April 2. He was wearing helmet and clothes. His clothes were not torn. He did not have a scratch in his face or body. The helmet band was tightened around his jaw and his skin was red. He had lost only his left shoe. He was drawn to death. He was wrapped in a vinyl and transferred by the refrigerator car. It still hurts me to see the refrigerator cars. At that time, the crematory was not in operation, so my husband drove our son’s body to a crematory in Fukushima by car. Even before 3.11, I was too scared to watch violent scenes in the TV shows but I visited the morgues to view the damaged corpse, tried finding my son based on the height. I checked the paddy farm and the beach back and forth. About 50% of the bodies were not damaged but those bodies found in the mountain, school building and the shrine had some damages. My son and his friend he used to play games with were found on the same day. My son and her body were laid in the morgues next to each other. My husband’s father passed away last year. He was older and we knew the time was coming. However, we just could not accept the fact that our child died. He was totally fine in the morning, we had meals at the same table and next each other. I totally believed that the school was the safest place, teachers are there to help and they were at the mountain side. He was taking a bus so he could have escaped with the bus. I heard that grandparents were washed away while they were waiting for their grandchildren coming back with the school bus at the bus stop. Something different could have been done. Why were the children waiting for 50 minutes at the school field without thinking about Tsunami? I will carry this guilt for the rest of my life. If we did not have a child from the first place, it would have been different. How could we lose a child after giving a birth? A nearby junior high school was closed in March, 2016. At the closing ceremony, they said “due to the decreased number of the children” but do you wonder why the number of the children was decreased? The children who were supposed to enter the school were lost in Tsunami. I am afraid that people would forget what happened. Those children wanted to do a lot of things. I feel the same though years pass by. I actually feel worse. When my co-workers talk about their children growing up such as entering and graduating the junior and high schools and colleges, I pretend I did not hear them. Those children who attended schools by the beach survived. You should take good care of your own life. My husband got cancer and said “I don’t mind dying. I want to see my son”. The supporting group with those who lost their children are helping me. Since the disaster, my husband and I have been arguing all the time. When I start crying to watch TV, he gets mad as he is sick of seeing me crying. He says I should calm. In old times, our child was a cushion between my husband and me. I cannot stand watching the TV on kids bullying. I feel the gap between the families that lost all children and the families that have at least one surviving child. I own a rice field, but I am having other people managing it. What’s the point to take care of the rice field that was supposed to be succeeded by our son, whom we lost. Now I am enjoying the gardening. I would like to grow flowers to place for our family Buddhist alter.
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