Ms. P (a woman in her 20’s) P さん(20代)

Ms. P (a woman in her 20’s) P さん(20代)

Submitted by SHISHIS on
Item Description
May 21, 2016 I have a cleaning job. It’s no use to think about what happened on March 11. My house near the beach was washed away. But, it’ll be all right. I’m optimistic, not worry about small stuff. I’m the only one who can protect my son who is second grade. My house was washed away but my family was saved. I’ve changed my gear to focus on looking for what’s good rather than looking for what’s bad. I was laid off from the work I had before the disaster, but I’m spending more time with my child now. I have been flexible to accept whatever that came to me from the time we moved to a small temporary housing from the shelter, or any other places. This is about the best I can do. It is good that I’m now living in one of the houses that were built to accommodate victims and found a new job. The commute time to my work is short, and I want to keep this job one way or the other. I try to take it easy, have accent in my life with high and low points. I try to see the good side of matters. My parents said they wanted to live by looking at the ocean and built a house near the beach again. They prefer the location where their long-time neighbors are around. I value my life with my son. He likes to read books.
Translation Approval
Media Type
Layer Type
38.416861679248, 141.29900147979
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
P さん(20代)
Japanese Description
2016年5月23日 清掃の仕事をしています。3.11に起きたことを考えてもしかたありません。浜辺の 家は流されました。どうにかなります。くよくよしない楽天家なのです。小学校2年の息 子を守るのは自分だけです。家は流されましたが、家族が無事でよかったです。良いとこ ろを探すよう心を切り替えています。震災前の仕事は解雇されましたが、その分、子供と 過ごす時間が増えました。避難所から狭い仮設住宅へ移ったり、どこへ行っても順応しま した。こんなもんだろうと。今は、復興住宅に住み、こうして新しい仕事も見つかりよか ったです。通勤時間も短いし。この仕事をなんとか維持したいです。あんまりがんばらな いようにしています。めりはりをつけて暮らしています。生活にポイントをつけて。なる べく物事のいい所をみるようにしています。 両親は、海を見ながら生活したいと言うので、また浜辺に家を建てました。近所の古い 知り合いがいる所がいいらしいです。私は息子との二人暮らしを大切にしています。息子 は本を読むのが好きなんです。
English Title
Ms. P (a woman in her 20’s)
English Description
May 21, 2016 I have a cleaning job. It’s no use to think about what happened on March 11. My house near the beach was washed away. But, it’ll be all right. I’m optimistic, not worry about small stuff. I’m the only one who can protect my son who is second grade. My house was washed away but my family was saved. I’ve changed my gear to focus on looking for what’s good rather than looking for what’s bad. I was laid off from the work I had before the disaster, but I’m spending more time with my child now. I have been flexible to accept whatever that came to me from the time we moved to a small temporary housing from the shelter, or any other places. This is about the best I can do. It is good that I’m now living in one of the houses that were built to accommodate victims and found a new job. The commute time to my work is short, and I want to keep this job one way or the other. I try to take it easy, have accent in my life with high and low points. I try to see the good side of matters. My parents said they wanted to live by looking at the ocean and built a house near the beach again. They prefer the location where their long-time neighbors are around. I value my life with my son. He likes to read books.
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