Reconstruction Agency (2021) Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Lessons and Know-How
The structure and features of this report are as follows. The report is divided into four areas: "Support for disaster victims," "Recovery of homes and towns," "Recovery of industries and livelihoods," and "Collaboration and succession." A matrix table was created to provide a bird' eye view of the timing of the emergence of each issue (emergency period, recovery period, early recovery period, and late recovery period) and the correlation between each issue. In the main text, "issues" are presented first, followed by an overview of the "situation" and "efforts" related to the issues in the Great East Japan Earthquake, and then "lessons learned and know-how" are presented. In the main text, the "issues" are first presented, and then the "situation" and "efforts" in the Great East Japan Earthquake related to the issues are outlined.
本報告書の構成と特徴は以下のとおりである。 ・ 「被災者支援」「住まいとまちの復興」「産業・生業の再生」「協働と継承」の4つの分野に分け、それぞれ復旧・復興の取組事例から抽出される課題を整理した。 ・ それぞれの課題が現出する時期(応急期、復旧期、復興前期、復興後期)及び各課題の相関を鳥瞰する「マトリックス表」を作成した。 ・ 本文においては、まず「課題」を提示し、その課題に係る東日本大震災における「状況」と「取組」を概説した上で、そこから導かれる「教訓・ノウハウ」を提示した。 ・ 具体的な個別の取組については、「事例個票」として巻末に記載するとともに、個票に記載のない事例についても出典を明記した。
The structure and features of this report are as follows. The report is divided into four areas: "Support for disaster victims," "Recovery of homes and towns," "Recovery of industries and livelihoods," and "Collaboration and succession." A matrix table was created to provide a bird' eye view of the timing of the emergence of each issue (emergency period, recovery period, early recovery period, and late recovery period) and the correlation between each issue. In the main text, "issues" are presented first, followed by an overview of the "situation" and "efforts" related to the issues in the Great East Japan Earthquake, and then "lessons learned and know-how" are presented. In the main text, the "issues" are first presented, and then the "situation" and "efforts" in the Great East Japan Earthquake related to the issues are outlined.