Tokyo Metropolitan Government (2011) Tokyo's response to the Great East Japan Earthquake and lessons learned
A report by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government about damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the response of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in the six months following the disaster, and the lessons learned. This report discusses preparedness for earthquakes directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Nankai Trough, including measures for people who have difficulty returning home and the suspension of electricity supply. English version was prepared below.
東京都による、東日本大震災の被害の状況と、震災から半年間の東京都の対応等を振り返り、そこから得られた教訓が書かれている報告書。 帰宅困難者対策や電力供給停止など首都直下地震や南海トラフ巨大地震への備えについて検討がなされている。
A report by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government about damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the response of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in the six months following the disaster, and the lessons learned. This report discusses preparedness for earthquakes directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Nankai Trough, including measures for people who have difficulty returning home and the suspension of electricity supply. English version was prepared below.