World Bank (2021) Learning from Megadisasters: A Decade of Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake
Authors: Shoko Takemoto, Naho Shibuya, and Keiko Sakoda. "... we highlight three common themes that have emerged repeatedly through the examples of good practices gathered across various sectors. First is the importance of planning. ... Second is that resilience is strengthened when it is shared. ... Third is that resilience is an iterative process. ..."
"...私たちは、さまざまな分野で集められた優良事例から繰り返し浮かび上がってきた3つの共通テーマを強調します。 1つ目は、プランニングの重要性です。... 2つ目は、レジリエンスは共有することで強化されるということ。... 3つ目は、レジリエンスは反復的なプロセスであるということです。..."
Authors: Shoko Takemoto, Naho Shibuya, and Keiko Sakoda. "... we highlight three common themes that have emerged repeatedly through the examples of good practices gathered across various sectors. First is the importance of planning. ... Second is that resilience is strengthened when it is shared. ... Third is that resilience is an iterative process. ..."