叔父さんの仮埋葬 | JIYUZINE 〜 石巻で半農半X的に生きる男の自由人ブログ。 ~ Submitted by RIJS on Thu, 12/10/2020 - 20:00 Read more about 叔父さんの仮埋葬 | JIYUZINE 〜 石巻で半農半X的に生きる男の自由人ブログ。 ~
表現文化社|火葬と埋葬―東日本大震災の仮埋葬 碑文谷創 SOGI 125号 2011年9月 Submitted by RIJS on Tue, 12/08/2020 - 15:25 Read more about 表現文化社|火葬と埋葬―東日本大震災の仮埋葬 碑文谷創 SOGI 125号 2011年9月
宮城県東松島市【大塩】仮埋葬 [PDF] Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about 宮城県東松島市【大塩】仮埋葬 [PDF]
A Buddhist monk prays for tsunami victims buried due to the lack of crematoriums in the town of Onagawa in Miyagi prefecture on April 13, 2011. Japanese usually cremate their dead, but the normal system has been unable to cope with the impact of the March Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about A Buddhist monk prays for tsunami victims buried due to the lack of crematoriums in the town of Onagawa in Miyagi prefecture on April 13, 2011. Japanese usually cremate their dead, but the normal system has been unable to cope with the impact of the March
Wakana Kumagai, 6, waits for her mother Yoshiko after visiting the grave of her father, who was killed by the March 11 tsunami, at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi-Matsushima, Miyagi prefecture, April 21, 2011, after attending an entrance ceremony o Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about Wakana Kumagai, 6, waits for her mother Yoshiko after visiting the grave of her father, who was killed by the March 11 tsunami, at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi-Matsushima, Miyagi prefecture, April 21, 2011, after attending an entrance ceremony o
知られざる死の記録~仮埋葬 (NHK)|店長イッシーの石屋日記 ー亀岡でお墓のことなら谷石材店ー Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about 知られざる死の記録~仮埋葬 (NHK)|店長イッシーの石屋日記 ー亀岡でお墓のことなら谷石材店ー
東日本大震災の犠牲者を一時的に土葬した宮城県の「仮埋葬」の跡地の大半が、当時の形跡すらない状態 - 杜の都ふるさと便 Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about 東日本大震災の犠牲者を一時的に土葬した宮城県の「仮埋葬」の跡地の大半が、当時の形跡すらない状態 - 杜の都ふるさと便
妙勝寺 | 日蓮宗 本覚山 | 防災部石巻市・東松島市調査報告 [PDF] Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about 妙勝寺 | 日蓮宗 本覚山 | 防災部石巻市・東松島市調査報告 [PDF]
A Buddhist monk prays for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Higashi Matsushima, Japan on March 22, 2011 Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about A Buddhist monk prays for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Higashi Matsushima, Japan on March 22, 2011