Ms. A(a woman in her 60’s)A さん(60代)
Item Description
October 24, 2015
When I was escaping, I was walking in the sea water. I waved my hands to a helicopter to show that “I am here”. I did not feel hard or sad. Right after the earthquake, I don’t know why but I just grabbed a radio to evacuate. I walked around without eating or drinking. Finally, I arrived the garbage collection area. There I saw the Self-Defense Forces praying for each remain that they had found. My husband originally had a dental appointment on 3.11 but for some reasons, it was rescheduled the day before. Thus, he was home with me to evacuate together. I learned that you can save only yourself. You are the only one who can save your life. Don’t wait for people but just escape. Of course, I have a mixed feeling but it does not make me all sad that Tsunami destroyed our house. It is much sadder to lose your own family. My sister has become mentally ill and it is difficult to encourage her. I have no idea what the future holds. A few days after Tsunami, I went back home. There we found only 2 pots of cactus on the 2nd floor. My son brought them down to downstairs. I was surprised to see green in that situation. I have been taking good care of the cactus since then but its flowers do not bloom any more. I also found narcissus in our garden so I dig it out and brought it back to the shelter. On the 11th day after Tsunami, we moved from the shelter to Sendai and lived there for 3 years. During our walk, I found the same plants that we used to have in our garden and it made me sad. The smell from the stewed vegetables reminded me of our home and made me think why I was here. When I heard an announcement about an invitation to a concert during a bus ride in Sendai, I was surprised to learn how it was different from Ishinomaki and a different world. 3.11 gave me a chance to take a new step. For me, it was to close down the electronic appliance store. I was too busy. I spent working on the maintenance, repairs and accounting for 50 years. My priority was work than life. The store was for those who were waiting for the bus. Homeless and senior people often stop by too. I feel it is a waste to see people buying the brand new electronic appliances though you could just change the parts to fix them. Right now, I live my life day by day. I no longer live to work and learned life is not all about money. I started growing avocadoes. I like collecting rocks and fossils of trees since my childhood. Right after the earthquake, a neighbor died because he went to get his car back. I should have stopped him to go telling him that Tsunami was coming. I just cannot
forget his last smile and I will not be able to forget it for the rest of my life. On May 12, I was saddened to cremate 5 relatives. Right before 3.11, my car made a strange sound. I hate the sound of the wireless-activated disaster warning system. I know that we will face natural disaster in the future. I realize how small the human beings are when I see the stratum and know the long and huge history of the globe and nature. A few months before 3.11, I saw a large crowd of sardine. We always must be on the alert. I liked reading so much especially the “Anne of Green Gables” and Daddy-Long-Legs”. I like the theme that tomorrow will be the better day. I also like movies, Bunraku and flamenco. Right before the disaster, I saw the flowers of lotus, blackberries and Asian hard clams. Now I spend time reading and studying without worrying about time. My mother lost her young son due to illness and then I was born in the following year. I was never held by my mother. So, I don’t know how to hold my own children. My father was an alcoholic but he loved me. He experienced the war and I heard him screaming “Help me” in Chinese. I am sure my mother was hurt. Now I feel that I wish I could understand my parents better. The war is just so cruel. After the war, a soldier came back crossing the Okachitoge Pass. Then he saw his wife hanging her baby’s diaper. He then learned that his wife got married to his brother before his return. With that, he decided to go back the Pass. I have 4 children. There are many issues that I need to revolve. So, I plan to face the issues and them to take care of the children. I also would like to take a walk. I would like to live an ordinary life. It has taken 3 years for me to get to where I am. I designed my house to be a one-story house. This is because that our neighbors would be able to evacuate to be here in case of an emergency, about 50 people can be cared, cleaned and use the mud toilet.
Translation Approval
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Layer Type
38.426507323762, 141.30120862157
Media Creator Username
Naomi Chiba
Media Creator Realname
Archive Once
One Page
Internet Archive Status
Not Submitted
Media Date Create
Japanese Title
A さん(60代)
Japanese Description
に歯医者に行く予定だった夫が、なぜか前の日に変更になったから一緒に逃げることがで きました。 まず自分だけを守ること、自分の命は自分しか守れないのです。人を待たないで、逃げ
肉親を亡くした人の方が悲しいでしょう。妹が精神をやられて、励ましの仕方がむずかし いです。未来がどうなるかわかりません。 津波の数日後、家に戻るとサボテンの鉢植えだけが2階に残っていました。息子が2階
大切に育てているのですが、あれ以来、咲きません。水仙も庭に残っていましたので、そ れも掘り起こして持ってきました。 11日目に避難所から仙台へ移りました。3年間、仙台に住みました。散歩しながら他
のバスの中で「コンサートの案内」というアナウンスを聞いた時、なんて石巻と違うのだ ろう、別世界なんだなぁと驚きました。 3.11をきっかけに一歩踏み出しました。それはやめたかった電気屋をやめること。
大切なことはお金ではないとわかりました。アボカドを震災後から育てています。子供の ころから石や木の化石を拾うのが好き。 地震の後、近所の人が、車を取りに戻って亡くなりました。津波が来るから行っちゃ駄
層をみると、地球や自然は大きく長い歴史があって、人間は小さい存在です。3.11の 数カ月前にイワシ(小さい稚魚)の大群が来たの。油断はこわいね。 読書が好きで、特に、「赤毛のアン」や「あしながおじさん」の“どんなに今日つらくと
ハスの花、ブラックベリーの群生、はまぐりを見ました。今は時間を気にせず読書や勉強 をしたいです。 私の母は、幼い息子を病気で亡くし、次の年に私が産まれました。母に抱きしめられな
士が帰ってきたら、赤ん坊のおしめを干している妻の姿を見たそうです。自分の兄と結婚 していたことがわかり、峠をそのままもどったそうよ。 私は4人の子供がいますが、解決しなければいけないことがあって子供と向き合いたい
し、あらためて子供を育てたいと思います。ゆっくり散歩したい。平凡にゆっくり生きた い。3年かかって、やっとゆっくりできます。 新築の家を平屋にした理由は、近所の人が何かあったらここへ避難しやすいし、50人
規模で介護しやすい、すぐ救助できる、汚れを洗う、土のトイレが可能なように設計しま した。
English Title
Ms. A(a woman in her 60’s)
English Description
October 24, 2015
When I was escaping, I was walking in the sea water. I waved my hands to a helicopter to show that “I am here”. I did not feel hard or sad. Right after the earthquake, I don’t know why but I just grabbed a radio to evacuate. I walked around without eating or drinking. Finally, I arrived the garbage collection area. There I saw the Self-Defense Forces praying for each remain that they had found. My husband originally had a dental appointment on 3.11 but for some reasons, it was rescheduled the day before. Thus, he was home with me to evacuate together. I learned that you can save only yourself. You are the only one who can save your life. Don’t wait for people but just escape. Of course, I have a mixed feeling but it does not make me all sad that Tsunami destroyed our house. It is much sadder to lose your own family. My sister has become mentally ill and it is difficult to encourage her. I have no idea what the future holds. A few days after Tsunami, I went back home. There we found only 2 pots of cactus on the 2nd floor. My son brought them down to downstairs. I was surprised to see green in that situation. I have been taking good care of the cactus since then but its flowers do not bloom any more. I also found narcissus in our garden so I dig it out and brought it back to the shelter. On the 11th day after Tsunami, we moved from the shelter to Sendai and lived there for 3 years. During our walk, I found the same plants that we used to have in our garden and it made me sad. The smell from the stewed vegetables reminded me of our home and made me think why I was here. When I heard an announcement about an invitation to a concert during a bus ride in Sendai, I was surprised to learn how it was different from Ishinomaki and a different world. 3.11 gave me a chance to take a new step. For me, it was to close down the electronic appliance store. I was too busy. I spent working on the maintenance, repairs and accounting for 50 years. My priority was work than life. The store was for those who were waiting for the bus. Homeless and senior people often stop by too. I feel it is a waste to see people buying the brand new electronic appliances though you could just change the parts to fix them. Right now, I live my life day by day. I no longer live to work and learned life is not all about money. I started growing avocadoes. I like collecting rocks and fossils of trees since my childhood. Right after the earthquake, a neighbor died because he went to get his car back. I should have stopped him to go telling him that Tsunami was coming. I just cannot
forget his last smile and I will not be able to forget it for the rest of my life. On May 12, I was saddened to cremate 5 relatives. Right before 3.11, my car made a strange sound. I hate the sound of the wireless-activated disaster warning system. I know that we will face natural disaster in the future. I realize how small the human beings are when I see the stratum and know the long and huge history of the globe and nature. A few months before 3.11, I saw a large crowd of sardine. We always must be on the alert. I liked reading so much especially the “Anne of Green Gables” and Daddy-Long-Legs”. I like the theme that tomorrow will be the better day. I also like movies, Bunraku and flamenco. Right before the disaster, I saw the flowers of lotus, blackberries and Asian hard clams. Now I spend time reading and studying without worrying about time. My mother lost her young son due to illness and then I was born in the following year. I was never held by my mother. So, I don’t know how to hold my own children. My father was an alcoholic but he loved me. He experienced the war and I heard him screaming “Help me” in Chinese. I am sure my mother was hurt. Now I feel that I wish I could understand my parents better. The war is just so cruel. After the war, a soldier came back crossing the Okachitoge Pass. Then he saw his wife hanging her baby’s diaper. He then learned that his wife got married to his brother before his return. With that, he decided to go back the Pass. I have 4 children. There are many issues that I need to revolve. So, I plan to face the issues and them to take care of the children. I also would like to take a walk. I would like to live an ordinary life. It has taken 3 years for me to get to where I am. I designed my house to be a one-story house. This is because that our neighbors would be able to evacuate to be here in case of an emergency, about 50 people can be cared, cleaned and use the mud toilet.
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