TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Landslide disasters induced by the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake [PDF] Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Landslide disasters induced by the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake [PDF]
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Oblivion Curve assessing how quickly people forget about the disaster by Twitter tweet counts Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Oblivion Curve assessing how quickly people forget about the disaster by Twitter tweet counts
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Moving the whole town up hill an algorithmic search of developable land in tsunami-hit Onagawa Town Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Moving the whole town up hill an algorithmic search of developable land in tsunami-hit Onagawa Town
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Grasping the Fukushima Displacement and Diaspora 3.11 disasters in Japan relocating people and local governments beyond borders [PDF] Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Grasping the Fukushima Displacement and Diaspora 3.11 disasters in Japan relocating people and local governments beyond borders [PDF]
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Did the People Practice "Tsunami Tendenko"? -The reality of the 3.11 tsunami which attacked Shizugawa Area, Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture- Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Did the People Practice "Tsunami Tendenko"? -The reality of the 3.11 tsunami which attacked Shizugawa Area, Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture-
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Fukushima Hamadori Diaspora: age and sex of evacuees from the nuclear crisis Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Fukushima Hamadori Diaspora: age and sex of evacuees from the nuclear crisis
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|A report of damages of the 3.11 Great Earthquake and Tsunami with the photograph and the movie in Fukushima and Miyagi Prefecture Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|A report of damages of the 3.11 Great Earthquake and Tsunami with the photograph and the movie in Fukushima and Miyagi Prefecture
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Population in areas affected by the 2011 tsunami off the Pacific coast caused by the Tohoku Earthquake Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Population in areas affected by the 2011 tsunami off the Pacific coast caused by the Tohoku Earthquake
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Tohoku Geographical Association Resurrected Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Tohoku Geographical Association Resurrected
TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Land Use and Tsunami Damage in Pacific Coast Region of Tohoku District Submitted by RIJS on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 15:22 Read more about TGA 2011 East Japan Earthquake Bulletin|Land Use and Tsunami Damage in Pacific Coast Region of Tohoku District