Sendai Mediatheque

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12 years 8 months
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3がつ11にちをわすれないためにセンター (せんだいメディアテーク)/Center for Remembering 3.11 (sendai mediatheque)
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English Description
On May 3, 2011, sendai mediatheque launched “the center for remembering 3.11 (commonly known as recorder311)” in order to collectively face and think about the enormous devastation caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and to start walking a long path towards reconstruction. It is a platform by which citizens, experts, artists and staff are encouraged to collaborate in autonomous recordings and disseminations that demonstrate processes of recovery and reconstruction. With or without techniques or previous experience in videomaking, those who wish to pursue the same goal as recorder311's become contributors, recording “the disaster” as they experienced them, in videos, photos, soundtracks and texts. After their copyrights are appropriately dealt with, contributed records are organized and stored as a part of “Records of the Great East Japan Earthquake ̶ Citizens' Collaboration Archive,” to be utilized in variety of forms, such as being published online, made available in the library, exhibited and screened. Furthermore, opportunities to talk about “the disaster” with the recorded materials as a catalyst and /or subject for the contributors and the citizens are organized in collaboration with the contributors.
Japanese Description
せんだいメディアテークは東日本大震災による甚大な影響に対し、ともに向き合い考え、復興への長い道のりを歩き出すため、2011年 5 月 3日に「3がつ11にちをわすれないために センター」(略称:わすれン!)を開設しました。わすれン!とは、市民、専門家、アーティスト、スタッフが協働し、独自に復旧・復興のプロセスを記録・発信していくためのプラットフォー ムです。ビデオカメラ等の技術や経験の有無にかかわらず、主旨に賛同した人びとは参加者となり、個人個人が体験した「震災」を映像、写真、音声、テキストなどで記録してきました。寄せられた記録は適切な権利処理がなされたのち、 「震災の記録 ・ 市民協働アーカイブ」として整理・ 保存され、ウェブサイトでの公開、ライブラリーへの配架、展示や上映会の開催、さらに記録を皆で囲み語る場づくりなどなど、さまざまな形で利活用されています。